Penguin Madness

Chapter 3

"Prime Minister! I can't be Prime Minister!" shouted Bob wildly, "I'm an anarchist!"
"Well you will have to change your ideals then," the 1st man replied calmly.
"Why can't you go and find someone else?"
"Because you have been chosen."
"But I don't want to be PM!"
"That is not our problem." And with that, the two men grabbed Bob, stuffed him in a postbox on wheels and pulled it out of the house. However much he struggled, Bob couldn't get free, so he eventually gave up and slumped down against the wall of the post box. Out of nowhere came a haunting melody, 'la da de da la da de da.' It really wound Bob up as he couldn't figure out where it was coming from, but suddenly he was knocked out! It was to be his first encounter with The Mind Takeover Device or TMTD....

When he woke up, he was in a box. Not the postbox though. Infact he could have sworn it was covered in sparkly silver paper. 'Hmm, what's going on here then,' he thought to himself, swaying slightly, still kind of woozy from TMTD. 'Tick, tick, tick. tick.' Bob inadvertantly became aware of a ticking noise, not unlike that of a clock... Or a bomb... He was all too suddenly fully awake, yelling, "Omygosh! I'm going to be blown up! The whole Prime Minister thing was a scam to distract me so they could get me here to assainate me!"
As he carried on ranting about it, he didn't hear the echoing footsteps approching the box.

Next Time:
What was the ticking noise? Who did the footsteps belong too? Is Bob made to become PM? And where is Laurence?