Penguin Madness

Chapter 4

Tick. Tick. Tick! Tick! Tick!! Tick!! Tick!!! Tick!!!
The ticking noise was getting louder. 'It must be a walking bomb!' Bob speculated wildly, not really thinking straight.
Tick, tick, ticktick. Tick, tick, ticktick.
He started running around in circles, bouncing off the sides of the box like some popping popcorn and getting rather dizzy. This carried on for sometime until the ticking unexpectedly stopped.


Nothing was moving.
All that could be heard was Bob's heavy breathing. 'Where's everyone gone?' He wondered, 'something must be happening. I'm scared. I want my rubber froggy!'

After a while, another noise crept into hearing. A distant hum, like the murmer of the sea at the beach. Then Bob heard Laurence's distinct booming tones, "I am proud to present the new Prime Minister of Penguindom, Bob Penguinom!"
The thunderous sound of thousands of people (or penguins) clapping errupted and Bob's box was flung open. He staggered out and looked around him. Where was he? He was standing on some sort of cylindrical platform, in the the centre of the crowd. What was happening? How did he manage to get here? Why wouldn't they listen to him?
"No! Bob can't be Prime Minister!" A voice shouted over the PA system, "He..." The voice was suddenly cut off.

Who was the bodyless voice? Why couldn't Bob become PM? Where was he exactly? And what was Laurence doing there?
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I'm still trying to get Emma to get an account. Infact i'll make her one so she has no excuse lol. Anyway here's the next chapter. Comments appreciated (hint hint) =] The number of readers is going down though! Help us get it up again, please????