Penguin Madness

Chapter 5

There was silence. Lots and lots of silence. It smelt like chocolate. Wait a minute! Silence didn't smell!
Bob followed the smell towards the kitchen (how he knew where the kitchen was he didn't know) and opened the door. He peered in and saw another penguin. She was being tied up by the man in the pink hat who had his back to Bob.
'What should I do?' He thought,'I have to do something!'
He grabbed a spade off the wall (i don't know what it was doing there so don't ask me). He crept up behind the man and swung it as hard as he could at the mans head. He heard Bob and began to turn around but got smacked in the face by the spade. He collapsed on the ground and didn't move.
Bob ran over to the penguin and helped her up.
"Who are you?" he enquired politely.
"I'm Fredrica, and I am here to stop Bob getting elected Prime Minister."
"Well I'm Bob, and you're too late for that, but I really don't want to be Prime Minister as I am an anarchist! I guess it was you speaking over the PA."
"Pleased to meet you. And yes it was. Since you are here, you can help me take over Penguindom and free the Hamster Slaves from the diamond mines."
"My motto's usually 'There's no I in team, but there is in Pie and Meat Pie and meat is an anagram of team,' which means I think that team consists of one person, but for this time, and this time only, I will help you."
As Fredrica lead the way out of the kitchen, Bob glanced at the man on the floor. As he saw the man's face for the first time, he realised it was Laurence...

Next Time: Why does Laurence want Bob to be Prime Minister? Will Bob and Fredrica succeed in their plan? Will they free the Hamster Slaves?
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Still no luck on the Emma front lol
She said she would make an account tonight, but...
Anyway, thanks for reading =]
Spread the word about Penguin Madness please???
Thankyou in advance =P