

The train came right on time, as I hopped on I noticed a man staring at me. It sent a chill down my back, but I tried to ignore it. I sat in the seat next to the door and put one head phone in my ear. I blasted it so I wouldn't fall asleep again and miss my stop. I scanned the car and saw only a few people were on the train. There was a guy with a tall, blue Mohawk and many percings; he looked kind of scary to be honest. There was another older man at the end of the car; he was all hunched over and looked to be mumbling something under his breathe. There was also a girl sitting across from me; she looked like a total whore she was wearing a short denim skirt with a low tank top shirt; she also was wearing what looked like six inch heels. I don't like people like her. Lastly I saw the man that was starring at me before; he was still starring. He creeped me out to. He had shaggy brown hairs, from hear it looked like he had an emerald green coloured eyes. He was wearing a long tan teach coat and rubber boats. You could really tell he had a real fahion sense. Last he was wearing faded blue jeans and a green shirt. But I owild never forget those eyes they were so memoriable.

Did I look familiar to him because I have never seen him before; at least not that I can remember. I looked away from him when I got another chill down my back.

I watched as the subway wall zoomed by; it wasn't very exciting but it was better than looking at that guy. Although I could still feel his eyes watching me.

I tried to consintrate on my music. Running from lions by all time low was playing. Figures it fits with what I'm doing right now; running from the pain of home.

My life wasn't bad in fact if you looked at it from the out side it looked pretty good. I wasn't rich but I was pretty well off. I had a nice car, I lived in a nice nieghborhood, I had lots of friends and I was pretty popular at my private school. But I wasn't happy; my parents always fought. half the time my dad came home drunk, or he didn't come home at all. My sister, karli and I always fought even though she is 13 and I'm 17. When we to to charity events we pretend to be the perfect family. I don't know how many people really believe it but I can't live the lie any more.

That song ended and a new one started. It was time is running out by muse. As that song came to a close my stop came. I got off the train and looked back to see if that man was still on. I couldn't see him anywhere soeither he moved cars or he already got off. After all there was three other stops before this one and I wasn't really paying attention. All well; I need to find some where to stay. I walked up the stairs to the busy street above. Now this was the new York I saw in the pictures. There were people everywhere on the sidewalks and the streets were packed fullof cars and yellow taxi's. Hmm where would the apartment buildings be.

I started off down the side walk with my suitcase tight at my side. I knew the crime rate in new York so I couldn't risk getting my luggage or purse stolen. It holds, what is now my whole life, I can't lose it.

As I walked down the streets I saw many inhteresting things. I saw some wierd people, some scary, some whore-ish people, And some just strange looking people. Some people were interesting though; there was a man (I think he was a man) dressed in all silver and spray painted silver dancing like a robot. There were also lots of people playing instruments trying to collect money; I would have given some but I needed every penny I could get. The most common thing was business men and womenwalking with a cell phone to there ear. I figured they were important people on the phone becuase they were all yelling.

I'm not sure how Long I was walking around for but it must have been forever because the light was fading. Even without the light the city was still buzzing with life. I still hadn't found any apartment buildings; but many hotels. I dot think I would be able to afford to live on one of those. Although anything would be better than that hotel last night. Finally I came on a hotel that looked like. I could afford it; even for only one night.

I walked inside and I instinly knew tonight as going to be better then last. The man behind the desk was standing straight and wearing a suit. He was smiling a pearly white smile, not a creepy smile, but a genuine one.

"Hello miss how may I help you?" He asked sweetly.

"Well I need a room. For just one night. Do you have any vacant?" I asked in short breaths, I'm screwed if they are full.

"Yes well we have a few rooms left. But if you don't mind be asking, you look a little young to be rooming on your own. You don't look older than 18. Are your parents coming later?" he asked, he sounded geuinely concerned.

"No I'm on my own. I'm 17, and I think I'm old enough to be on my own." I said backwith a bit of attitude; he didn't really deserve that though.

" I'm sorry of course, here is your key, and how will you be paying for this?"

"Oh with my bank card." I replied back shyly handig my card. I finished paying, grabbed my key and went up to my room.

I was on the third floor. I opened my door; the room was nice. It had a queen bed, a tv, a nice big bathroom, and small sitting area. I could stay here but I would really need to get a job, or find a different place less expencive. I put my suitcase on the bed and opened it up. I pulled out my tolitries and brought them into the bathroom. I turned the shower on and stripped down. I grabbed my shampoo and conditioner; I took a long hot shower. When I got out I wrapped a towel around myself and one around hair. I brushed my teeth and hair, then blow dried it. When I got out of the bathroom I looked at the clock and it said 7:06. Wow am I hungry I hadn't eaten all day, how did I ignore it. I knew the hotel had a resturante so I would just go and get a small snack.

I walks out of the room grabbing my key as I left. I took the elevator down, and smiled at the desk guy as I walked by. I walked into the restuarant and my stomach growled as I sat down. I took a quick look before decieding on a strawberry Sunday. I also got a glass of coke, as I sipped it I looked around. The restuarant was mostly empty except a couple in the corner, an old man reading the news paper and a man that looked vagly famaliar, but I couldn't place him. I tried to ignore him but gaze seemed to always drift back over to him. I had finished my sunday and was now looking in the paper for possible jobs; but it felt like I was being watched. I quickly
Looked around the room and caught the eyes of the mystry guy. It clicked; those eyes I would never forget those eyes. It was the guy from the train. Wow I have my own personal stalker, what are the chances of us being at the same hotel without him following me.

I decide that would go somewhere else after tomorrow and after I could find a job. But if I saw him following me I would comfront him. With that I paid and went back up to my room.

I layed down on my bed and pulled out my cell phone. Two new messages, one from my mom and one from my best friend katie. I'll deal with her first.

I called my voice mail and listened to my moms message first. "ABIGAIL where are you, you better not do anything stupid!" she took a breathe "ok maybe I'm over reacting abigail please come home we love you and we all miss you." I could hear my sister yell "not all of us miss her in the backround." I deletedthat message as soon as it was over if they truley cared I wouldn't have run away in the first place.

Katies message next. "abigail, where are you your mom called asking if you were at my house. She sounded worried, I know shocking," that part made me laugh "look I know you, call me before you do Anything to extreme bye luv yea, peace, Katie."

I should really call her back I have known her since grade 2, she helped me through slot of stuff. I dialed the number I had dialed so many times before when something was wrong.

" hello?" a groggy voice answered

" hey kitty it's me." I said shyly

" OMG abi! Where are you? What have you done?! What are you doing? Hello answer me!" she yelled the last part

"I would if you gave me a chance." I said back

"oh right well I'm taking a breathe now so answer." she replied back in one breathe.

" ok well I'm ok I'm sitting on a hotel room bed...in new York..." I was waiting for the blow up from her.

" NEW YORK! What are you doing in new York that's so far. Ok well not that far. But why are you in new York and without telling me." she sounded a little hurt when she said that last part.

" ok calm down, I was tired of dealing with the shit at home kitty. You of all people gotta understand that. I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but if I had you would have tried to convince me to stay and I just can't anymore. " and it was true.

"...." she was quiet at first " ok yeah I understand, your right I would have tried. But I was worried about you, hello you could of called." she finally said

" I'm calling now aren't I, and look I don't know if I'm coming back either, it's nice here, sure it's busy but I'll get used to it." I was starting to cry when I relized I would never see kitty again if I stayed.

And as if she read my mind she stated "but then I will never see you agian." she was starting to cry to now.

"We'll see eachother, I can come visit. As long as you don't tell, and you can come
To stay with me at times. No matter what we will always be bffl, best fiends for life." I was sobbing by this time.

" I promise to never tell, when can I come visit I miss you already" kitties crying and almost subsided.

"well I think I should get a job first so I can buy food and stuff. And so I can get an apartment. I'm going to be looking for a job tomorrow; apartments some time this week. " but as soon as I have a place to stay I will call you, and we can catch up. " i let out a sigh, I had also stopped crying by now.

"ok, well I got to go before my parents get suspisous," she sounded as if she was about to cry again. " I love you, bye"

"love you too, bye" I said sheepishly, with that I hung up the phone. It was followed by a erie silence, I had never liked silence not even as a kid. My parnets had to buy me a noise maker to fall asleep with. I guess that explians my love for music, it's anything but silence.

I got off my bed and threw on an old pair of sweats and a tank top. I grabbed out my labtop and pulled it onto my lap. I signed into my IM but there was no one online. I looked at my clock 11:30. That's weird, hmmm maybe everyone dexieded to be responsible for once or they are all out clubbing.

I returned my labtop to it's case and pulled out it iPod dock, I plugged it into the wall and turned on my favourite band, cute is what we aim for. Navigate me came on causing me to laugh. Because I knew people would not want to here that song blasted I changed to the next song, teasing to please came on. I sing along, I knew the words perfectly.

Some where between the 5 and 11 song I fell asleep, but I'm not surefor how long, when I woke up it was still dark at the window.

I walked over to the window and found light shining from a crack at the bottom. It wasn't late at night, the window was boarded up, for whatever reason. I tried prying a board off ad to my success it work. The was no window so I guessed it had been broken.

I called down to the front desk and asked for a large piece of plastic. When he asked what for I simply said the window. He just said that it would be at it door within the hour.

I took my stuff to the bath room and took a quick, hot shower. As I got out I heard a knock at the door. I wrapped a towel around myself and my hair and walked to the door.

"who is it?" I asked looking through the peep hole. I was surprised when I saw a guy that looked to be around my age.

" Uh it's the plastic you wanted. " he replied back, he sounded kind of annoyed. I hadn't done anything wrong, yet.

I opened the door. I saw his expression change when he saw me. He gave me a quick glance up and down, trying for me not to notice but I did. So when his eyes were looking down I cleared my throat, and his eyes darted up. "The plastic," I said kind of annoyed, I didn't like guys who just wanted to get in girls pants.

"Oh right, would you like me to take off the rest of those boards and put it in for you?" he asked a little to hopefull.

I was going to say no but as I looked back at the window I changes my mind,"I guess yeah thanks." I said standing aside to let him in. " I'll be in the bathroom tell if you need anything.

"Alright" he said, I wasn't even looking at him but I could here the smirk on his face. I walked into the bathroom and closed the door behind me.

It took me about twenty minutes to finish getting ready. I did my hair in a
Simple ponytail and my makeup was also simple. I was wearing a jean mini skirt with leggings (I was no slut), and a blue tank top with a monster thorwing up a rianbow on it.

I walked out into the main room to see the guy had only just finised taking the boards off. Either he was weak or was going slow on purpose. I figured I was right with the second reason when I saw him turn around and check me out again. "jerk," I mumbled under my breathe. " what's your name?" I asked

"andy" he replied turning around. "yours?"

"Abigail" I stated

"Nice name mind if I call you Abi?" andy asked.

"Yeah I do mind, can you just finish and leave I can't be waiting all day."

"Fine, I just need to put up the plastic and I'll leave. " andy turned around andgot back to work.

Within ten minutes he was done "how much I owe you?" I asked.

" nothing this time," he stated simply

"thanks, well if I have any other problems I'll be sure to ask for you andy. Thanks for your help." I said as he walked out the door; without even a backward glance. Now that that was done I could go out and start looking for a job.

I took the elevator down to the lobby and went into the resturante. I grabbed a news paper and went right to the want adds. I sat there looking in newspaper when I saw an add for a waitresses for a small dinner. I figures that would be a good start so I ripped the add out and headed outside. As I was walking to the dinner I saw slot of things I have never seen before. Lots of bums beggers and street people.

I reached the diner after a ten minute walk, at least it was close. The want add was still in the window so hopefully I wasn't to late. I walked inside hearing the bell ding above me as the door opened and closed.
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