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Hate Kills


Dear Myself,

If you are reading this and you are a famous writer and happy you must have followed what everyone has told you to do by now. Sure you loved to write, but just because you had an interest and became good does not mean this is what you wanted to do with your life! We had a plan. If you gave in to what everyone told you to do, then you are just weak. We promised we would do this together. We promised as soon as I wrote the Dear. We have to keep it right? You kept it I am sure.

Mom wants me to move to Arizona. What is in Arizona? Nothing. I mean I am sorry, but there is a pretty big ditch that everyone cares about and it is hot. I come from Maine, mother. Please, how is a girl supposed to go from loving the cold weather to hot summers. She doesn't understand me. The bright side is I am leaving.

That place was horrible. I couldn't breathe and everything was blurry. This led to the writing and the cutting. When nothing was left, but the writing it led to the attempt. How am I supposed to live when the kids did that. When he did that. When she did the worst.

We leave tomorrow on our plane. I hate planes and I hope the ride isn't as nauseating as I think and know it will turn out to be. Ever since dad died planes all seem horrible and unstable to me. I guess that is why I feel the shaking. Turbulence.

Daddy loved planes. I used to as well just to follow in his footsteps. He was the best pilot ever if you remember. He took us on rides all the time and took us to amazing places with every exotic creature in the book. He was the best daddy ever to us.

Turbulence. That is all he thought it was. A little rough patch and then smooth sailing the rest of the trip. I remember him telling me to fasten my seat belt for the bumpy ride. I didn't listen and put my hands up to ride the waves of air like a roller coaster. I was five what do you expect?

That is what saved me in the end. Not having my seat belt on. The turbulence picked up and Daddy held fast onto the steering wheel.The sky went dark and for about five seconds everything went really silent. There was no breath and no talking. Just a lull of complete silence and luxury. I thought it was over. I was so wrong.

A flash of lightning hit right in front of the plane. Daddy lost his grip on the steering wheel because of his sweaty hands. I started to silently cry, for I was too scared to make a noise. Not that you could hear it under the thunder. I heard screams from passengers behind us. Flashes of light rained from the sky surrounding the plane.

Daddy took a dive downwards to get out of the highest place possible, or where lightning strikes. It was a smart move that wasn't made quick enough. Without my seat belt on I fell down on the rubber floor of the pilots deck. A quick wind picked us upwards in a quick jolt making Daddy hit his head on the controls. He reached for auto pilot and switched it on as he lost conciseness

I was screaming not knowing what to do. Then it happened. Lightning struck the plane. Everyone who was wearing a seat belt died that day. I was the only survivor. To this day I thought I should have died, but why didn't I? Why couldn't fate let me be with Daddy? It is a question I don't think you even know the answer to. Even though, you have had years to ponder it.

Most of the time through seventh grade I wished I was with him once more. To hear his laugh to see his smile. That is the one thing I would wish for if I had three wishes. My dad back. Now I hate planes. God help you, if we hit one gust of wind I am bursting into tears. Holding my ears screaming for daddy.

So as you probably have guessed and already experienced, I am not excited for the plane ride. Was there any turbulence? Not that you could answer, but it feels nice to ask someone something for once instead of the other way around. I miss you Daddy!

But I promise for you I will not try to hate planes because as you always said to me, and it is my motto for life, Hate kills.

-Hannah (13) HK
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