Status: Waiting for inspiration

Sir- The Leader

section 2

~~Section 2~~

I had stood shoulders back, chest out, head forward. Sir tried to break us then. Getting in our faces and breathing his sickly breath in our noses and God forbid if Sir broke us. Well that is if there was a god. Rule Three:

There may or may not be a God. But if He or anyone believing in Him is found you and He will pay.
(Side note: You will pay with your life)

Therefore, there is no God. Moreover, if you did believe in him you have already met him because you are 6 feet under in his capable hands. I think that Sir is the God here. He deserves to die. He was the one who granted life and death. Sir still did not break anyone. We had finally gotten a handle on the rule we had learned long ago. Rule Four:
Our fates are tied. What one does everyone does. Individuallity is however encouraged. Only through healthy competition can anything be done.
(Side note: Healthy competition is decided by Sir)

Through this rule, Sir just made us feel for each other. Didn't he get that? We all had been the one who was to blame so we all stopped holding grudges. Sir was creating his own worst nightmare. We were becoming an inseparable band of people who completely hated Sir and everyone like him.
Sir spoke then. "So maggots... who will tell me why you all are letting your privates hang out?" No one moved. No one spoke. He just liked hearing himself talk. Fine get ready and meat me at the field in 10. This was near impossible and why we learned Rule Five:

Take punishment without question. Take punishment of not completing the impossible punishment without question. Do not question Sir's words.
(Side note: If he says that you do not exist you do not exist)

Why being to the field in 10 followed this rule and was impossible? While the field was 10 away and that was on a good day at a fast jog. It was raining muddy and foggy out. At a dead run even the people already dressed might not make it.