Status: Waiting for inspiration

Sir- The Leader

section 3

~~Section 3~~

The three of us who were ready fled the bunker went out on to the narrow path that would lead us to our death one day. Willow Walk was what it was called such a pretty name for an undesirable evil. Ignoring all that was around us, we continued on; our legs worked tirelessly to push us over the ruff uneven ground. I had first thought that this was a nice place. I had ran to the field on a day like today. I had felt the water drip down my back along my spine. I occasionally had stumbled over a root from one of the many the nearby willow trees that lined the path. But I was going to make friends and Sir was going to let us off with a warning because it was the first day and we got lost. But that day we quickly learned Sir's favorite saying

"The weakness of the enemy makes our strength and our weakness makes us dead."

We were punished just as hard as we were on our last day as then on our first day. He made us hurt like we had never hurt before. Now would be no different.
We past the last of the willow trees and entered the field. Sir was there looking like he had a stick up his bum and a lemon in his mouth. It hardly surprised me. He always looked that way. We waited for the others to arrive.