Status: Rewriting and Continuing, Updates on Mondays!

The Last Fight

Letters to You

Attack In Diagon Alley

Earlier this week, it is reported that Death Eaters attacked Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor in Diagon Alley, destroying the shop and carrying off its owner.

Mr. Fortescue, 49, was a gentle and generous man, says all who knew him, and they are baffled as to exactly why he was attacked.

"He never harmed anyone," his frantic wife told Prophet reporters when called upon before slamming the door in their faces.

Mister Kingsley Shacklebolt, Head of the Auror Office, led an investigation shortly after the attack. He made no comment, but a fellow Auror, Mister Dawlish, told reporters, "We don't have much to go on, but we're determined to find Fortescue."

Reporters were unable to contact any witches or wizards who are believed to have been in Diagon Alley at the time of the attacks. Any information pertaining to the attack should be reported to Mr. Shacklebolt at the Ministry immediately.



Hope this gets to you all right.

School's been murder. Snape is the new Defense teacher! Slughorn, it turns out, was the old Potions Master. Which is good, I guess, because I can now take Potions which I need for being an Auror (which is complete rubbish, but you know that), Defense is more like Dark Arts class, the way Snape goes on about it. He practically professed his love to it on first day of term.

But anyways, neither Ron nor I had the book, so we had to borrow. I got this old one in the cupboard that says it was the property of "The Half-Blood Prince." Do you know who that might be? Maybe someone you learned about in N.E.W.T. History of Magic? Either way, this bloke wrote instructions for how to make the potions really excellent, and I've been beating Hermione in class all week. I think she's mad at me for it.

I don't know if you've been told, but I was made Quidditch Captain. I'm going to have tryouts for the whole team sometime soon, since I want the best people. Sorry, but I'd rather not deal with another disaster like what you had last year. Still, I wish you were here to play for us. I’ll let you know when the games are in case you can come see them.

I saw that article about Fortescue. It's really vague, but unsettling. I can't believe they just dragged him away. Were you working that day? If so, did you see anything? Or know anything about why he was taken?

Oh, by the way, there should be an owl order coming soon for two copies of Advanced Potion Making for Ron and I. When that comes in, do you think you could maybe pick us up refills for our Potion kits? We kind of got... surprised into the class. I can send you a list of what we need if you like.

I hope you're doing okay. Let me know next time you're going to be up here, it took me ages (well, took Hermione ages) to figure out how to send this without an owl. I just can't send Hedwig anywhere safely, and I'm pretty sure they're reading all the mail on the owls. Didn't you lot figure out how to do it last year with the whole Marauder thing?



Dear Harry,

Yes, I got your note. I spilt coffee all over the carpet when it just popped out of nowhere. Ask Hyden how to send the notes, he ought to remember. It should work over long distances, but if you’re having trouble, let me know. I may be able to adapt the charm.

Good lord, Snape's teaching Defense? I'm sorry, that must be terrible. Well, at least he... knows his stuff, even though he's not very pleasant. Speaking of Defense, are you going to keep DA going? I would if I were you, but then again, you're starting N.E.W.T. classes, so maybe not. And you have a somewhat competent teacher this year. Well... maybe that's stretching it.

Really? You've been beating... Hermione? What about Launa? And no, it doesn't ring a bell. There's no wizarding royalty; at least, not officially. I'll look through some books at work though and let you know if I come up with anything.

Oh good, I was hoping you'd get it. Do let me know who you pick for the team. I'll try and convince Dumbledore to let me come see the matches. He should be alright with that. I'm sure you'll do great, Harry.

Yeah, that article wasn't the best. I was there that day. Ophilia and I were trying to save him, in fact. It was Lance and Dolohov who got him, and we nearly got Lance but he Disapparated. As for why they took him, none of us have a clue. I mean... he was an ice cream man who had a knack at remembering history. I dunno, is Voldemort researching goblin wars now? I don't know if we'll ever find out. I’ll keep you updated on any new information I find out though.

Do send me a list, because I honestly don't remember what we used in N.E.W.T. Potions, especially not sixth year. I'll get them ordered for you as soon as you do that.

I'm doing alright, I guess. Cedric and I have been working a lot, so we don't see much of each other, or other people. I've Splinched myself twice in the past month so you should work at being really good at Apparating as soon as they start giving those lessons. It’ll save you a lot of pain. But I'm fine, really, other than that. Lance has been messing with me, so I haven't gotten much sleep, but that's not new. I have no clue when I'll be patrolling up at the school again, but it might be soon. I'll let you know as soon as I do.

Stay out of trouble. Give my love to everyone.




This Saturday, I request that you and Mister Hood be at the Three Broomsticks at noon sharp to take up a patrol of the village and grounds.

Additionally, on the same date at eight o'clock, please visit my office. Harry will be there, and I have some information I would like to discuss with the two of you.

Best Regards,
Albus Dumbledore



I'll be there.




I've attached the list of potion ingredients Ron and I need, as well as some requests from Launa and gold from her. She says she's working on some new potion that will help keep your mind closed from Lance while you're asleep and that you'll have to meet her in Hogsmeade to get it when she has it done.

The books came in. Ron thought your note was funny. Actually, he didn't, but I did.

I'll send another letter along later.



Dear Jennifer,

I realized after Hermione asked me about the charm we did to send notes by magic that Harry was writing to you and decided I should write to you as well.

Classes have been hard. It’s not so much what we’re learning (though, that is difficult), it’s just that I can’t concentrate. I miss Dad. I feel like a lot of my friends have left, and I guess the best word to describe my current mood is lonely. You know what I mean? I’m trying out for the Gryffindor team, though, so maybe that will take my mind off of things.

I’m working on some new music finally. I would send you a Howler sample, but I have a feeling Cedric may not like that.

Defense with Snape is so brutal it should be criminal. (Not that that’s ever stopped the Ministry, but anyways…) Non-verbal spells are really difficult, especially in Transfiguration. Hermione and I are the only ones who can pull it off consistently, but it takes a lot of effort. What do you do to make them easier?

Are you visiting soon? And how are you, Harry said you Splinched yourself. Really, you should have the hang of Apparating by now.


PS: Start listening to the radio.


Harry and Hyden,

I'm coming up to patrol this Saturday and then visiting Dumbledore that evening. See you there, Harry.

Hyden, I'll have to go get a wireless though. I think I have enough gold. And tell Launa I got her ingredients for her and that they're coming with Harry and Ron's.

Have fun and good luck at tryouts, both of you. Build a good team, Harry.

You'll get the hang of non-verbal spells soon enough. It's like anything else - start small and build big. Just make sure your thoughts are loud and clear, and the rest will follow.

Oh, Hyden, Cedric says he wouldn't mind a Howler with music in it if it's good. I think the Ministry is affecting him.

See you Saturday,



I wanted to send this in a separate letter.

You’re great. I know that everything seems to be falling to pieces now, but you’re strong, smart, and loved. Don’t forget that.

I miss Sirius, too. What happened was terrible, and I think how little time we actually got to spend with him is criminal. But we can’t dwell on things we can’t change. He would hate for that to happen. He would want us to continue to fight, to avenge him, to defeat the evil around us. Defeat the demons within ourselves.

I’ll see you Saturday, and we can talk more then, but I wanted these words written down for you.



"Hello ladies and gentlemen of the wizarding world! This is River here with a request of remembrance of Florean Fortescue. If you can hear this mate, we're thinking about you and hope you're okay.

Tonight, I just have a little tidbit to share. I have a song here written by Mister Rockstar that he feels is appropriate to play under the circumstances. Take it away, Rockstar."

"Thanks River. I wrote this song in remembrance of my father, who was killed last June, and now I dedicate it to Mr. Fortescue.

You never kept me waiting
You never kept me waiting

Come back now
Come back now
Come back from beyond the veil

Come back now
Come back now
Comb back from beyond the veil

I know you're there
I know you're there

You never kept me waiting.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hyden's song was The Godfather, Part 2 by Harry and the Potters