Bittersweet Memories


I paced the floors of my apartment. They were three hours late. Eli was supposed to be in my apartment by exactly five o'clock sharp and it's now eight. This is why I cannot stand Ronnie. Well one of the reasons. He never takes any responsibility. Ever.

I finally sat down and tried to calm down a little. I was so worried something bad had happened to my four year old son. I wouldn't give a damn if Ronnie was hurt. I only wanted my baby boy. The only good thing about that damn one night stand.

"Sorry we're late he wanted to go in the store and get some toys and something to eat."Ronnie said. I ignored him though and took the small boy with blonde hair and bright brown eyes from his grasp.

"Mommy missed you so much Elijah."I cooed. Ronnie rolled his eyes. Eli put his hand to my cheek and chuckled.

"Its okay Mommy, I never scare you again."Eli said hooking his pinky with mine. I kissed his forehead and told him to go play. I glared at the tall man in my home. He had messy dark hair andbeautiful brown eyes brown eyes,which meant he was full of shit.

"What the fuck Radke!"I yelled when Eli was out of the room. He groaned.

"What is it now bitch I got Eli here safe and sound."He snapped. I shook my head. I knew the damn reason he was late.

"Look when you wanna fuck some random fucking slut do it when my son is here and not there to walk in and see."I seethed. He was taken aback by how I knew. But when your four year old runs up to you and asks why his Daddy was in bed on top of a woman making her scream you'd be pissed too.

"What are you talkin-"I cut him off.

"Oh no Radke I know because our son told me all about how you were on top of a woman and she was screaming for you to go harder."I said. His eyes widened and he slapped himself in the face. I was really trying my best not to punch his fucking face in. I hate his guts. I hate the way he talks,the way hisgorgeous eyes always wonder my body,the way he smells,and acts.

"I hope you choke on a tit."I said. Ronnie just stared at me funny.

"Yeah well I hope you get hit by a bus wicked bitch of the west."He shot back.

"I hope you get some new STD that kills you or makes your balls swell up and you can never fuck anything ever again you disgusting pig."

"Yeah well I hope you...get more beautiful because I love you so much."He said. I furrowed my brows what the hell? I looked behind me and Eli was standing there with his sippy. I picked him up and carried him to the kitchen to get him a drink.

Ronnie followed and I was hoping that the toster would come to life and fire knives or something pointy at him. Yeah I'm immature but I hate this man. He broke my heart. Once upon a time before he fucked everything in sight with a hole between its legs, he was the best boyfriend in the whole world. We decided to get together when I was pregnant with Eli. Then a year after Eli was born I'd come home hearing him talking dirty to someone on the other line and he even fucked them in our bed. I got fed up and moved away from him.

"Bye Radke."I said while putting the milk back in the fridge and handing Elijah his sippy full of strawberry milk.

"Oh and Kaylee."Ronnie said getting my attention. I looked over at him and he mouthed 'Choke on a hairy one.' I screamed and chased after him. He laughed and ran out my door. I slammed the door and locked it so the fucker couldn't get back in.

"Mommy do you love Daddy?"Eli asked. I picked him up and went to the living room ignoring his question. I got down in front of the movies and held up 'Transformers 2' asking if he wanted to watch it. He nodded and I put it in.

"I missed you so much Elijah Sean."I whispered. He snuggled into my side and I kissed his forehead. I loved this little boy more than life itself. I'd do anything for him. He was my world. And that's the only one thing Ronald Joseph Radke has ever done right in his life. Giving me this little bundle of joy.
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New Ronnie story and I know I keep promising I won't delete them and I do but I think I might stick with this one.