Bittersweet Memories


Eli laid on his bed playing with his stuffed dinosaurs. I smiled at him as he made the dinosaurs attack each other then kiss. I shook my head. I need to work on my art. I had to get this painting of this woman's husband done for their anniversary which was in a week. I got all my paints set up and grabbed my easel. Eli started crying. I sighed and set down my paints. I knew I should have done this while he was with Ronnie.

"What is it sweetie?"I asked the four year old.

"I want spaghetti."He said. I groaned. Of course he did. I walked over to the kitchen and started boiling water. I looked for the noodles and realized I didn't have any. I turned the stove off and went to change. I spoil this child too much. He was already dressed so I didn't have to worry about him.

"Mommy where are we going?"He asked. His big eyes following my every move. I picked him up and grabbed my purse and keys. I locked the door. Then we drove off to the store to get stuff for freaking spaghetti.

"Mommy, do you and Daddy love each other?"Eli asked. I mumbled curse words under my breath. I turned the radio on hoping he'd get distracted.

"Answer my question Mommy!"He demanded. I shook my head.

"Elijah there are things you will learn when you are older. You're Daddy and I we don't exactly like each other right now."I tried to explain.

"But that doesn't say you don't love him."Eli said. No more educated shows for him.

"Yes Elijah I love your Father because he gave me you that's the only reason to love him because he is nothing more than a manwho-" I stopped myself. I didn't need Elijah to repeat me.

"A manwhore?"He asked. I slapped myself in the face. I must have let that word slip before.

"Elijah Sean Radke don't repeat after me anymore please."I said.

Eli nodded and we continued on our way to the store. I parked and we went inside. Eli ran down the aisles trying to find whatever he could bribe me to buy him. Which was just about anything he wanted.

"Mommy I wanna lollipop!"He said. I nodded and he handed the giant sucker to me. I grabbed spaghetti sauce,noodles, and french bread and we left.

"Mommy will you and Daddy ever live together?"Eli asked. Again with the freaking questions about him and me.

"Not that I know of son."I sighed. Eli must have got the idea that I didn't wanna talk about it anymore and dropped it.

I made him spaghetti and went back to painting Mr.Butler.

I was almost done with the sketch all I needed was to add the details and I could start painting. My phone started vibrating. I growled.

"Hello?"I answered.

"Uh hey Kaylee I was wondering if I could come over to see Eli today...I have a present for him."Ronnie said. I sighed.

"Sure Ronnie I don't care just don't interrupt me while I'm working on my painting or I will kill you."I closed my phone and went back to work. Again!

When Ronnie came over I was almost done painting. I just had to find the right color gray for his hair and he'd be ready to be shipped off to Mrs. Anita Butler.

"Eli don't bother Mommy she's very busy."Ronnie tried to whisper but failed.

I put the painting up so it could dry and so I could spend time with my little man. Even if his Dad is here.

"Ronnie you can't whisper to save you life."I said. I was gonna be nice to him for the sake of Elijah. I noticed that Eli was looking even more like Ronnie than he ever did. I missed Ronnie even if he did me wrong. I had to remain strong and not go back to him. He probably doesn't even want me anyways.
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So....I'm terribly sorry. I haven't updated in forever! Well I just now got a computer working. Not my baby though :/ I wish my laptop were fixed but it crashed in July. So my grandfather fixed me up a desktop and it works pretty good so expect more updates ;D
I hope I didn't lose too many subscribers.
I will update again soon and that's a promise