Blind Love

Blind Love

“Adriana, there is something I should tell…” Percy said to Adriana through the phone, not completing his sentence.

“You should tell me what Percy?” she asked, wondering what he was trying to explain.

“Umm…I’ll be there in 10 minutes. Wait for me.” he said ,ignoring her question and hanging up the phone. She started wandering around, pacing up and down in her room. Like promised, he was there 10 minutes later. She took him into her room, placing him on the bed. He turned around facing her but stood there like a statue.

“What is it?” she insisted, getting restless until Percy cupped her cheek with one hand, the other slipping to her waist, bringing her closer.

“I practiced this for millions of time but still don’t know how to say this but… and I know we’ve been best friends since our childhood but…” he sighed, “I love you.” After finishing his speech, he hesitantly gazed into her eyes, afraid of her response until he saw her eyes shining, her lips curling into a sensous smile.

“I love you too. You’re my life. But I never thought you would ever feel the same I just…” Percy watched a tear sliding down her cheek, her eyes sparkling with tears. There wasn’t any word to stop her crying except standing up, grabbing her hand, spinning her around and whispering love words into her ear until a dazzling laugh escaped from her mouth. That’s when he packed her on the lips without thinking the consequences, just as Adriana’s drunk father turned the lock and came into the room seeing them cuddling and kissing each other passionately. He grabbed Percy by the collar and squeezed his neck, causing him to cough, hitting his face with the other.

“DAD! What are you doing? Cut it out!” Adriana yelled and threw herself towards her dad, hounding, trying to pull him back but failing in the middle of the act, she collapsed to the ground, groaning. Blood trailed down her face onto her favorite t-shirt at an incredible speed. Hardly had she opened one eye when she saw Percy giving her father tit for tat, holding his throat tightly until her father kicked him on the stomach, screaming for the first time.

“I don’t care whether you are my boss’ son or my daughter’s very close friend. That doesn’t give you the permission to kiss her. Now, get out of my house. I’m not going to see you near her again!...Is that understood?” With that he threw Percy out of the house, slamming the door after him.

After Percy got out of the house bleeding, he looked back through the window and got pissed off with the scene he saw: Adriana being slapped by her father. A father that shouldn’n even exist.

“Sugar!” He mumbled to himself, bowing his head in an defeated way, knowing there is nothing he can do. With that frustrating scene playing over and over again in his head, he gritted his teeth and headed to his house, anger rising with every step he took.

Adrian felt her father’s hand on her cheek but not in a lovely way. Her head was spinning and thumping from the hit. The last thing she remembered was pain spreading through her body slowly. Then she passed out, welcoming the darkness.


Everything seemed to calm down but they still weren’t able to see each other. Just texting was enough to satisfy both, even though it was becoming unbearable. One day Adraina’s father learned about this and broke her cell phone. It was bad luck that she didn’t memorize Percy’s number so their communication was cut off. However even that didn’t stop them. He used her school as a means for communicating with her without their parents knowing.

Percy asked to meet her at the park. Adriana’s father was at home so he tiptoed out, slowly closing the door after her.

“Oh GOD! I missed you. I miss you. I was so worried about you I was going insane.GOD! I love you.” Percy whispered while giving her a tight cuddle. Then there was a silence that is not invited at the moment till Percy’s expression became uneasy. He was the one who broke the silence.

“Adriana…” he started.

“Why do I have a bad feeling about that?” Adriana asked avoiding Percy’s gaze.

“Please look into my eyes.Tell me what would you do if I asked you to…marry me?” He blurted out fast enough for her to miss few words while directly looking into her eyes.

“w-Wh-What? But I…he won’t…we can’t.” She responded, shock written all over her face.

“You’re worried that your father won’t let us? Then we’ll run away.” He said, a smile taking it’s place on his lips, eyes shining with hope.

“Yes but I’m not ready yet. I do love you. Let’s wait a little longer.” She said with a trembling voice Percy was silent, his expression becoming painful

“Then I guess you should know I’m leaving next week. Your dad. He said things that aren’t true to my father and now he’s sending me away.

“Huh? What? No! You can’t leave here all alone. Let alone with him.” She clutched his hands tightly, not letting go. But both knew they were bound. She didn’t cry in front of him, not when he poked her on the nose and hugged her nor when he kissed her passioately for the last time and said goodbye. She went home directly sobbing real hard. Her heart was broken. She hugged herself while sniffing then put her left hand in her pocket. To her surprise she felt some paper. She opened it, revealing a letter. From Percy. She started reading.

Dear Adriana,

I should have told you long before but I didn’t have

the guts. You were nothing but an entertainment, a

tool that I use to enjoy myself. Much like all the

other girls. I don’t love you and I never did. So…

take care. Or don’t. I don’t care.

Sincerely, Percy

Adriana stood still wide eyed. She tried to lift her arm however her body betrayed her. Her mind was only part left alive which was recalling the last memory. Again she tried to lift her arm but the response came from her legs: she collapsed to the ground crying. She gazed down with bloodshot eyes, expected to see the colorless teardrops wetting her blouse but she was surprised to see the expected teardrops meeting with some red liquid halfway, sliding down like they’re doing their last dance, until they reach the bottom of her blouse. It left a trace of blood on her. That’s when she felt the pain in her hand. She opened and saw her nails leaving cuts on her palm. But she ignored it.

Percy was getting restless, waiting her to call him and say she loves him back. Instead he got a call from her friend. He answered it.

“I hate you too. So you were only enjoying with me? I was just a tool huh? I’m surprised you didn’t USE me anymore. I’m glad you went away. I don’t want-“

“Why would you say that now? You know how much I love you. Why’d you hate me?”

“Do you have a multiple personality disorder or something? You’re saying the exact opposite of what you wrote in the letter.”

“No. It’s true I wrote a letter and put it in your right pocket but all I wrote was my love for you. Look, my flight is about to come. I’m heading to the plane now but don’t ever forget: I love you. With all my heart. Forever.” was his last words before he heard how much she loved him and his last time hearing her voice.

Adriana went home relieved and sat on the couch, zapping the channels till she came to the news.

“…flight crushed an hour ago. There are no survivors. The list of people who were on the plane are …, …, Percy Dunhill, …” She just sat there before getting up. She doubled over while a fit of laugher came to her.

“Never thought my life was going to end by my dad’s gun. At least Percy loves me, we’ll meet in the other world. With that she went to the other world to meet her lover.

She grabbed the gun from the last drawer where it safely laid. She took a deep breath and pulled the trigger.

A minute later the phone started to ring, the sound impatient. Then it went to the voice message.

“Adriana, love. Guess what happened. I convinced my father. Now we can be together forever. I’ll be there right away. Love you.”
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wanna know what u think about my first oneshot story "poke poke"