Don't Ever Lose Hope

Don't Ever Lose Hope- Chapter 11

Meagan’s POV

I felt Jack’s lips on mine, opening my eyes to reveal him smiling at me.
“You’re so beautiful when you’re sleeping,” he said leaning down to kiss me again. I couldn’t help but smile back. I rubbed my tired eyes and yawned.
“It’s already the morning; I felt like I didn’t get any sleep,” I said not wanting to get out of bed.
Staying at the hospital all night wore everyone out, but we had to get ready for All Time Low’s first show tonight. I could tell Jack was stoked about it too, even if he wasn’t going to be able to run around on stage like he did during every concert. Performing on a cruise is way different than performing at a regular venue. Unfortunately, the stage was smaller so they were confined to a limited amount of space, but that didn’t decrease Jack’s excitement any less. He was as excited as if he was playing on a big stage and I was glad. Not many bands had the opportunity to perform on a cruise ship, and I was very happy to share this experience with All Time Low.
Slowly, I got out of bed trying to figure out what I was going to wear tonight. I figured I might as well be ready because I didn’t think we would have any time to change outfits before the show. It was going to be a hectic day already; I could feel it.
“Earth to Meagan…” I suddenly realized Alex was talking to me, but didn’t hear half of what he was telling me because I was so lost in my own train of thoughts.
“Wait, when did you get here?” I asked totally confused as to how he got in my room in the first place.
“Jack let me in, and since I’m assuming you didn’t hear a word I said, I wanted to ask if you were interested in selling some merchandise with Vinny tonight.”
“Only if I still get to see you guys perform. I am not going to miss your first performance.” I stated, hoping that I didn’t come off as harsh. He smiled, putting his hand on my shoulder.
“Meagan, I wouldn’t ask you if you weren’t able to see the concert. Do I look that dumb?” he asked giving me this expression that I just said something really stupid.
“Okay Alex whatever you say,” I said trying to hold in my laughter. “And yes I would be more than happy to help you guys during your first concert on a cruise!” I told him a little too enthusiastically, wrapping my arms around his waist to give him a hug. He laughed at my excitement but accepted my hug none the less.
I didn’t want to dampen the mood, but I had to ask him.
“How is Nicole holding up? Is she up and around?” I tried to read his facial expression to see if I could get an answer before he told me himself, but he was very good at hiding them.
“She’s managing,” he told me. Before I said anything else to him, I waited to see if he would elaborate or not. “I mean, she’s way better than last night. Last night, she was a wreck and I can’t seem to get that image out of my head. It’s like haunting me, but I keep telling myself it’s going to be okay and there was nothing any of us could do to stop the miscarriage from coming.” I nodded my head in agreement.
“Would it hurt if I went in and talked to her? I don’t want this to ruin our vacation, the vacation we decided to go on to forget about what happened with, well you know.” I looked down at my feet, trailing off. I didn’t think it was necessary to say anything more because I knew Alex understood what I was talking about.
“I agree Meagan, that’s why I’m putting what happened last night behind me and focusing on tonight and how much fun we’re going to have while on this cruise. I’m just hoping Nicole will be able to do the same,” he told me with this sincere look in his eyes.
“Not to be nosy or anything, but did you two ever discuss the story that was on E news the other night. I mean I understand a lot of stuff has happened since then but…” I couldn’t say anything more because Alex cut me off.
“Don’t worry, I already discussed that issue with her after we got back from the hospital. It was a good conversation, being a new couple and all. I mean, I didn’t think we would be discussing my dating life this early but glad we did. I feel we are closer now and we can trust each other more,” he smiled at me and I could tell he really meant the words he was speaking.
“So, does this mean you’re not dating Lisa anymore?” I know that was a stupid question after what he just told me, but I felt like I had to ask just to make sure. He started laughing and nodded his head yes. I knew Alex would never do such a thing and glad he could laugh about it.
I gave him a hug for the second time since he entered the room and smiled. I’m glad Alex wasn’t taking this so hard, it was for the best. After embracing him for what seemed like ten minutes, he told me he needed to help the others set up the stage. I gave him a nod watching him walk out of the room.
Looking down at what I was wearing I realized I still was in my pajamas. I got ready pretty quickly, not wanting to waste any more time putting on makeup when I could be talking to Nicole and helping the guys. When I decided I looked decent enough for tonight’s show, I grabbed my room key off the side table and walked out of the room, knowing what needed to be accomplished first.

Marissa’s POV

I was so relieved to be somewhere other than my house, but still was amazed by how huge this cruise ship was. I didn’t think I’ve ever seen anything so gorgeous in my life. Wait, I take that back, I have set eyes on something way more gorgeous than this, his name? Jack Barakat. We haven’t really talked much after the break up but were still good friends, or at least I hoped so. Now that I’m going to be staying with Zack and the others on the rest of this vacation I didn’t want it to be awkward between us. I actually wanted it to be anything but awkward. I just hoped he felt the same way, about still being friends. And although I kept telling myself we were just friends and nothing more, I kept having this urge to want to get back together. I couldn’t help the crazy butterflies in my stomach that wouldn’t leave me alone every time I mentioned his name or thought about him. I was determined to talk to him about us; I didn’t know when but wasn’t going to leave this cruise ship until I got some answers as to why he stopped feeling the same way I did. Unfortunately, for me, those feelings never went away.

Nicole’s POV

I got up slowly when I heard the door knock to my room. I was still pretty weak from last night’s events and wasn’t risking any more injuries. I figured it was going to be Alex checking up on me but was surprised when I came face to face with Meagan.
“Oh hey Meagan,” I gave her a small smile. “I thought you would be Alex.” I let her in the room and she shook her head no.
“Actually, he’s helping the other guys get ready for tonight. I just talked to him before coming over here.” She nodded her head at me letting me know she was listening.
“I just wanted to come by and make sure you’re doing okay,” she told me. I smiled at her,
“Thanks Meagan. I’m not fully recovered from last night but I think as the day goes on I’ll get better, or at least that’s what I’m hoping.”
“Well if you ever need anyone to talk to, I’m here,” I told her giving her a small hug. “Are you coming to the show tonight? I understand if you’re not up to it but this is their first show,” hoping to convince her to come if she wasn’t planning on it.
“Yeah I know, and I wasn’t going to, but now that I think about it I think I am going to. It will make Alex happy and I need to get out of this room, it’s driving me insane. The doctors just told me to take it easy, that’s why I haven’t been helping or anything, even though I’m dying to see Alex.” I bet she was dying to see Alex and everyone else for that matter and was so glad she was making the decision to come. I think she would have regretted it later if she didn’t.
“Well I am so glad you are doing better and am thrilled you made the choice to come. Alex is going to be so happy when he sees you in the front row! And don’t worry, I won’t tell him that your coming. It’s our little secret.” I told her. She gave me a tight hug one last time and told me thanks for everything. I could tell she truly meant it.
“Before I go, we have to find something for you to wear tonight,” I told her opening up the closet to reveal no dresses. This was a problem that needed to be fixed. “Okay, I’m taking you shopping. Let’s go,” I said grabbing her hand making sure she had a room key and headed out the door towards the lobby where there was this nice dress shop. How convenient, right?
“Meagan, I have perfectly nice clothes in my closet back in the room. It’s not like we’re going to prom,” she told me laughing; I guess at how ridiculous she thought I was acting.
“I know that, but I figured you might want to dress up a little, for Alex’s sake.” I smiled at her.
“Okay, I guess you’re right,” she told me as we walked in the door. As we looked at the price tags on some of the dresses, I didn’t have a clue how we were going to pay for this. “I’m sure hoping this is going to be worth a five hundred dollar dress,” she told me not really convinced.
“Nicole, trust me, when Alex sees you tonight he is going to be speechless.” She gave me a smile, “I sure hope your right.”
We were having a blast looking around the store and trying on different styles of dresses that we totally lost track of time. I’m pretty sure as Nicole continued to try on dresses; she was getting more excited about tonight and Alex seeing her in one of these stunning dresses she held in her hand. When she walked out of the dressing room to reveal the last dress she had picked out from millions, I instantly knew that was the one, and I’m pretty sure she did to by the way her face lit up when she saw the way it looked on her by the reflection in the mirror.
Without further ado, we split the cost and purchased the most perfect dress Nicole ever owned. I couldn’t wait to see Alex’s expression when he saw her in a couple of hours.

Jack’s POV

As we wrapped up rehearsal to, ‘Dear Maria,’ someone caught my attention; I could recognize that face a mile away from anywhere. A face I wasn’t too fond of seeing at the moment, even if she was Zack’s baby sister. I couldn’t remember the last time I had talked to her, and yet she was walking up to me like we were the best of friends.
“Hey Jack, long time no see huh?” she asked me so nonchalantly. I nodded my head, not really knowing what to say to her. “So, are you excited to play tonight? I know I am, it seems like it’s been forever since I’ve watched you perform.” I guess she was trying to strike up a conversation, and even though she was the last person I wanted to talk to at the moment, I smiled looking for a distraction. However, I wasn’t getting very lucky at finding one.
“Do you know how much I’ve missed seeing that smile?” she asked me, inching closer towards my direction. I tried to step back but realized I couldn’t since there was a speaker right in my way.
“Actually I haven’t, seeing that this is the first time we’ve talked in like I don’t know how long.” I wasn’t trying to be mean, but this was starting to get really awkward, and it seemed to me that she was flirting.
I have to admit, when I first laid eyes on Marissa I thought she was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. Then, I met Meagan, my current girlfriend, who Marissa had no way of knowing and I wasn’t planning on telling her that I was taken anytime soon. But, if she kept this up, I wouldn’t hesitate to tell her.
When Marissa and I were dating, it started off strong but then I kind of lost interest and eventually those butterflies in my stomach that came every time I heard her voice or saw her, went away. I couldn’t continue to tell her that I loved her when it wasn’t true; that wouldn’t be fair to her. So, decided it would be best to call it quits. She didn’t take the news so well and after we broke up we both went our separate ways, living our own lives, which was for the better.
Now, I was kind of taken back at how affectionate she was getting with me after not seeing each other for almost three years.
“Come on Jack, can’t you just admit to yourself that you still want me? Because, I know I do,” she said moving her hands up and down my hips. I instantly pushed her off and saw the hurt in her eyes, but I didn’t care.
“Marissa, you can’t expect after three years to come back to me and think that you can just win me over like I’m a prize or something. I’m fine with being friends, but I have a girlfriend that I love very much and I doubt that’s going to change.” I told her truthfully. I saw that tears were spilling down her cheeks.
“I don’t care if you have a girlfriend and I don’t care that you love her, break up with her. You need to be with me and only me,” she said pointing to herself. Before I could say anything else, her lips crashed violently against mine. I could taste the jealousness she was feeling towards me on her lips; it didn’t taste good, at all. I pushed her back, harder than I wanted to and watched as she fell backwards on the stage. I didn’t care if she was hurt; she crossed the line. She looked up at me with hurt written all over her face.
“Didn’t you feel anything?” she choked out, barely in a whisper. I shook my head no; I had a feeling that if I started to talk I would blow up and that wasn’t the way I wanted this fantastic (but not so fantastic now), night to start. As she stormed out of the room, making a scene as she left, I had a feeling that something was going to go wrong tonight. I didn’t know what, but didn’t have time to think about what that might be since Matt was calling me from backstage. The show was going to start in thirty minutes, and as I walked towards the backstage area where the other guys were waiting, one thought kept repeating through my mind like a broken record, I wanted Marissa gone.
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So i made this chapter longer to make up for the wait. I've been busy and i'm hoping this makes up for it =)

Again, i can't say thank you enough to all of my readers and the comments i have been getting. They mean a lot!

And can anyone guess as to what might happen? Or why Jack has this bad feeling that something is bad is going to take place? i'm just curious to see what you guys think! =)

Enjoy. Comment. Subscribe =)

<3 Kelsey