A choice

Part (1)


I always thought that doctors were wrong when they said that a patient's life depended on their will to live now I knew I was right because I really want to die but for some reason I'm still holding on to life. I just tried to calm down my busy mind. I listened to the magnet-like voices that were like my lifeline that I was trying so hard to hold on to.

I started thinking about the reason why I was meant to stay alive? I had done nothing constructive in my life. My mother who had dedicated her life to help abused children move on was dead. All because of an abusive boyfriend. While I had spent the past sixteen years trying to hold on to my childish stunts. I remembered the so-called "accident" that ended up with my mother dead and me in a coma. I just wanted to cry or get away from all of it and then it hit me.

I was trying to hold on to life to escape the memories, that was when I heard my best friend Isabelle's voice. I just concentrated on listening to her voice and it helped me a lot to just remember the good times. I forced myself to just hold on a little longer but I was like a volcano that needed to blow. I felt like I was stuck inside it holding on to a single thread of hope. I just moved then opened my eyes with a lot of difficulty and I managed to say "Izzy?". She turned around surprised and yelled "She woke up!". I then resigned ... There were people who cared and for that I was grateful.
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I hope you liked it xD I would love for some feedback. Constructive criticism is always welcomed. Message and Comment Plz *Puppy dog Eyes*