Status: Only a three shot written a while back.

My Immaculate

It Starts


I had always known my hometown was different. I just never knew how different, until the day I lost my only love to the horrific monsters that were the townspeople.


I had spent the day with the love of my life, Samantha Pilcher. We spent the day talking, having fun, walking, whatever we could think of. I loved her with all my heart. Words could not describe how I felt.

My Chemical Romance had finally made it big. We had just finished touring The Black Parade and we were all taking a break to relax from the non-stop moving. I had come back to Belleville to spend time with my love who I hadn't seen in a month.

The first day, needless to say, we spent catching up. It was my second day back. I planned this day perfect. Talk, have fun, and then around three we would walk to the same park we met at. And at around three I would sit her down on a swing and get down on one knee.

Yes, today I was going to propose to my Sammy. It was exactly three when I set her on the swing. I gave her a flower and when she wasn't looking, I got down on my knee.

When she looked back at me she looked beautifully shocked.

"Sammy, baby, you have made me the happiest man in the world. Now that I have you in my life, I couldn't picture it without you. Would you do me the honor of making me the happiest man in the Milky Way, and become my wife?" I asked full of confidence.

"Absolutely! I've been waiting for you to ask that since the day I met you!" she cried happily. I slipped the ring on her finger and hugged her. We ran to Ray's house to tell the guys.

When we got there we ran to his basement thinking they'd be hanging out down there as usual, they weren't.

"That's weird." I commented. Sam and I decided to wait for them. Then we heard strange noises. I told Sam to wait there while I checked what it was. I went and looked out of the window seeing Ray, Gee, and Mikey running out of Ray's car looking scared shitless.

They ran in the door panting. Gee turned and locked the door behind him. "What's going on?" I asked hastily.

"Dude the whole fucking town has turned to monsters... zombies... what the fuck ever!" Gerard said panting. He went outside quickly and came back with an armful of wood.

"What are you talking about?"

"We don't know how it happened, but everybody in town is a monster. They run, jump on you, and eat you. They look like they've been through hell and back. And they're heading this way." Ray said as Mikey and Gerard kept bringing wood in.

"When do you think they'll get here? And where's Bob?"

"I think they'll be here later tonight."

"And Bob? What about Bob?!" I yelled.

"He's dead." Ray whispered, "They got him when we were in town." He said before he ran upstairs to get something.

Bob. Bob dead?

It couldn't be. He was the toughest of us all. Baby blue eyes, Chicago loving, teddy bear looking Bob could not be gone forever.

"We sure could use a hand here." Mikey said lugging in his fifth load of wood.

"Sorry. I'll hlep just let me go get Sam." I said. I ran downstairs to where she was waiting for me. "Sweety, go help Ray with whatever he's doing I'm going to go help load in wood with Gee and Mikey."

"What's going on Frank?" Sam asked me. I didn't have the heart to tell her.

"I can't tell you, but Ray can. Just go upstairs and help him. Okay?" I pleaded.

"Okay." she said walking up the stairs. I followed close behind. When we reached the first floor I went to help Mikey and Gee board up windows and doors.


All the windows and doors were boarded up and nailed shut. Ray had five guns waiting loaded for us upstairs in the attic. He had enough bullets to last a while. We all brought enough food to last a week. We had cleared a big enough area for us to walk around comftorably.

I sat in the corner wide awake with Sam asleep in my arms. I was thinking about how after this Sammy and I would get happily married, have kids, and keep living. Forgetting this night altogether.

I had dozed off slightly when I heard beating downstairs. I stood up quickly bringing Sam with me. I quickly, but genntly, shook her awake.

"Sammy, honey, they're here." I said as calm as I could manage.

"Okay." she said. I could see the fear in her eyes.

"Don't worry. We'll make it through this." I turned her head to look me in the eyes. "I won't let anything hurt you. I promise."

"I know you won't. I love you." She said relaxing a little.

I went to where the guys were standing, "Guys we need a plan."

"Yeah but we don't have any time," Gerard said, "I'm going to go check to see what's going on down there." He said before anyone could stop him as he ran down the stairs. We all waited anxiously until he came back. When he reached the attic again he was panting and sweaty.

"What's going on?" I asked scared of what he might say.