Status: Finished!!!

Sold, Bewitched, and Cursed (Curse of Curves)


Melody’s POV:

I stretched the sun was shining threw my windows. As I opened my eyes I realized that last night wasn’t a dream. I looked down I was completely nude and the dull ache between my thighs conformed the mind blowing sex from last night. I giggled falling back into the bedding they smelled jus like Felix. I took a deep breath before I clichély wrapped the sheet around my naked. I carefully stepped out of the large modern bedroom and found the staircase just outside the door. I slowly descended the spiral staircase. I saw a large very well decorated apartment that was very modern but still cozy.

I followed noises and drifted threw the large living room and into a large kitchen where Felix was bustling around cooking breakfast. “No No No I told them to invite Mr. Kimoko to New York I can’t leave the city.” Felix viciously stirred the eggs as he replied “No I can’t go to Tokyo next week.” He sighed begrudgingly and answered “Fine I will discuss it with my girlfriend if she agrees I suppose we can come to Tokyo but I will be demanding more in the meeting.” He bargained and began to argue again “I don’t think so he is the one who changed our contract.” Felix turned around and his face light up seeing me “Excuse me but I need to go goodbye I will call you back if we fly in” and with that he hung up on the person.

“Girlfriend huh?” I asked slowly walking towards him the sheet doing very little to conceal my legs

“I mean well it is just and you and I and we” he stumbled over his words as I stood about six inches form him.

I shut him up with a peck on the lips and said “I’m so happy to be your girlfriend” He sighed and wrapped my in his arms “What’s for breakfast?” I asked peeking around him

“Eggs and bacon and toast” he looked at the food and then back at me “I really hope you aren’t a veggie”

I giggled shaking my head “No love red meat way to much to be a vegetarian” I murmured kissing his bare chest softly.
I stepped away form him and hopped up on the counter for the first time I really admired his built and the smooth graceful way he moved. Felix had broad shoulders that tapered into a trim waist, his abs and pecks were defined and his biceps and triceps were large much like a swimmer’s body. his legs were strong with lean muscles they were long just like his arms showing how tall he truly was. He was probably 6’ 7” give or take an inch. He moved in a way that made me jealous he was strong and demanding but at the same time comforting like he would protect me. I smiled watching him fix my breakfast he also would glance back at me as if making sure I was there still.

“Here you go baby” he said handing me the plate as I tied the sheet around my chest no longer needing my hands to hold it up. He leaned against the counter next to my legs as I took a bite of my eggs with the fork he handed me.

“Yum” I muttered feeling famished from our activities the night before.

Felix smiled at me out of the corner of his eye and continued eating “Glad you like it baby” Baby I thought taking another bite. Many men had called me baby and many men had been slapped for calling me baby, but as the word effortlessly left Felix’s mouth I felt content with him calling me that.

“You know” I asked finishing off my breakfast and setting the empty plate down by my hip “I normally would slap a man for calling me baby” I subtly smirked at him.

He set his plate down and stepped in between my legs trapping me on the counter “Really?” I nodded smiling at him as I laced my fingers in his silky black hair “Then why do you let me call you that?” he smiled and his eyes twinkled brightly at me as his hands found my hips under the sheet.

I shivered feeling his skin against mine “We I think it was the amazing sex” I said my fingers running gently threw his hair

“When it comes to skin I always win” he chuckled his lips finding my neck as he began leaving even more purple marks all over my tan skin

“But…” my voice was a soft moan and made him break away from my neck looking puzzled. I debated on telling him the truth or not, but the look in his eyes made my decision for me “I think the real reason I let you call me baby is because” I swallowed looking deep into his endless sky blue eyes “I think I might be falling in love with you” I whispered searching his face for his reaction

A slow sexy smirk worked its way onto his face as he whispered “I’m falling for you too baby” his lips caressed mine gently as his hand squeezed my hips

“Really?” I spluttered when he pulled away

“Of course I isn’t every day I spend 3.5 million dollars on a girl, but I would spend that much on you everyday if it would keep you around” he said jokingly tickling my side

He quit and we simply gazed at one another for a few minutes “Thank you Felix” I mumbled leaning forward to press my lips to his

“Anything for you baby” he murmured removing my sheet right there in the kitchen

“Eager” I giggled as his hands began their exploration of my body

<<< 2 years later >>>

Melody’s POV:

Vivianna’s wedding had come and gone and she was now two months pregnant and no longer dancing but managing the club with Mr. Smith. “VIVI” I screamed running into the club seeing her arguing at the bar with Luke. She turned and opened her arms for me I attacked her in my arms and excitedly said to her stomach “How is my little puppy today?”

“What have I told you about calling my child a puppy?” Vivianna cried out stomping her foot and cradling her flat stomach

“Well when I find out the gender I can call them niece or nephew but for now it is puppy” I huffed standing up as we had a staring contest Luke ignored us and went back to his job

“Baby what did I say about antagonizing poor Vivi?” Felix said his arms wrapping around my waist as he settled on a bar stool me between his strong thighs

“Not to” I pouted like a small child

“What are you doing?” he scolded sounding like a father

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Vivianna smirk and walk alone “I was antagonizing Vivianna” I said my hands find the collar of his shirt as I avoided his playful disapproving look “You know” I whispered in his ear “I should be punish. A spanking would work” I tugged on his earlobe making him chuckle deep in his chest

“My naughty girl” his hands squeezed my as threw my jeans and I moaned softly in his ear “You need to go perform” he smiled pushing me gently to where the changing room door was. I pouted and kissed his lips before darting towards the door looking back only to blow him a kiss as I disappeared behind the door.

Felix’s POV:

My hands shook in excitement and nervous as I thought about tonight I had waited to long I couldn’t wait any longer. Tonight is the night

“Tonight is the night” Mr. Smith’s voice echoed my thoughts as his hand clapped down on my shoulder

“How’d you know are you a mind reader, Smithy?” I joked looking at my friend and business partner of two years

“I had the same look on my face the night I asked Vivianna. Determination, nerves, love and hope mixed together into one life changing face” He chuckled handing me a shot of JD. I sighed and took the shot.

“Tonight we have a treat veteran Sugar Melody has returned to perform during the bewitching hour” Vivianna’s voice echoed threw the room as the girl before Melody entered a soft scowl on her lips at the men’s excitement for a girl that wasn’t her.

Vivianna walked out of the office she shared with Mr. Smith and came to where we stood at the bar. Vivianna grabbed the bottle of Jack from behind the bar and poured me another shot “So when will you do the deed?” she asked leaning towards me from behind the bar

“I’m thinking on our walk home after the show maybe” I said nervously taking the shot

“She will love it, and the ring we did a good job. We make a great team” she joked about our catastrophic trip to the jeweler’s.

“I know I’m surprised you didn’t tell. I mean you are the queen of the gossip team” Mr. Smith said smiling at his glowing wife. She slapped his arm and pouted before turning to go back into the office “Go to your seat your girl will be on soon” Mr. Smith said shooing me off the stool. I walked to center stage front row and narrowed my eyes and the old fat business man in my seat.

“Sir” my voice was a semi growl “you’re in my seat” I glared as the man lazily looked up at me

Son I don’t see your name on it. Now buzz off it is rare when Sugar comes back” the man glared facing forward

“Actually” I growled grabbing his collar “my name is right there” I pointed to the plaque with my name on the back of my chair “and Melody is also mine. You better move you ass before I get you banned” I growled glaring hatefully at the man

With wide eyes he got up. He glared as I sat and moved to the standing crowd around the stage as I settled into my seat ready to see Melody like I had the first time.

Melody’s POV:

I decided to do tonight’s show alone. So I stood ass out back arched and arms up like a gun behind the screen. The music started and began slowly gyrating and moving perfectly to get the guys outside hot. The curtain opened and I smirked. I walked slowly to the pole and began my dance. I saw Felix’s hands and face set down on the stage and couldn’t resist the urg. I dropped to the floor and crawled towards him. I snagged his lips in a sensual kiss and began dancing there in front of him giving him his own mini show like I did every night. ‘love you’ I mouth ruffling my hair.

“I cant stand it” he growled and his hands shot out grabbing my hips roughly pulling me into his large plush chair with him. Many men around us gasped and made a move to take me form Felix “Back off” he growled at all of them bringing me closer to his body

“Baby you gotta let me finish my dance you never did this before” I frowned running my fingers lightly threw his hair

“I have something I need to ask you it is very important” he said settling my body closer to his as he gazed up at me the love in his eyes shinning along with nerves and something else “and you can’t interrupt” he added narrowing his eyes as me

“Ok” I nodded kissing his thoughts

“First though, do you know what today is?” He asked his eyes scrutinizing me expression

“November 18th” I said confused

He nodded and added “The very first day we met” he smiled softy up at me as I gasped

“You’re right” I gasped How could I forget our fucking anniversary?

“No interrupting” He reminded caressing my face gently in the most loving of ways

“Ok” I nodded kissing his lips gently

“Melody I love you” he started as I held me breath listening intently now “You’ve had me since hello we always had our own ling me with my one liners and you with your wit. We made the perfect bickering pair” he smiled “You’re provocative and talkative and exciting and enticing, but over the years I’ve seen the reality of who you truly are. You’re fragile and caring and loving and beautiful in the most perfect ways. I love everything about you. Every little flaw and imperfection, every big gift and all the perfection you are I love it all. I love you so much mow and forever. You have bewitched me with your curse of curves” he smiled up at me. Tears poured from my eyes as he brought out a black satin box. He snapped it open inside nestled was the simplest largest most beautiful engagement ring I had ever seen “Melody I bewitching cursed love” he smirked “Will you marry me?”

“Yes” I cried hugging him close to me “Yes fucking yes” I squealed kissing his face all over as I cried hysterically
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