

It has been five weeks since I met the Hawks and Adam. I never thought having a friendship with all these guys was going to be as crazy as it is. I am still a homey person but I do go out whenever they ask or if I feel like going out. I had a few days off the next couple weeks; it was my “vacation” time. Having nothing planned for a vacation is just how I am. It was nearing around noon and I decided I would whip something together for a linner; my way of having Lunch and dinner. “Boss what do you think I should make?” I asked my dog. He perked up his ears and tilted his head. I decided instead of going through my whole freezer I’d just give my grandmother a call. “Hello?” gram asked.

“Hey Gram, it’s Bri. How are you?”

“OH HONEY! I am so glad you called. You need to drive down soon; we are only an hour from the city.”

“Ha, I know gram I will soon I promise. I was wondering if you could give me that recipe for the veggie lasagna and home made Apple slices?” I asked

“Oh yes dear. You’ll need Green and Red bell peppers, mushrooms, black olives and some mozzarella and ricotta cheese. You know how to do the pasta part I taught you; as for the apple slices. Make a pie crust and cut the apples and use for brown sugar and frosting.”

“Okay thanks gram, How’s pop?” I asked knowing my grandfather he hurt himself doing some chores around the house like cleaning the gutters for a 79 year old man.

“He is doing well. Do you have a boyfriend yet?”

“Gram! No I don’t really want one right now.” I explained with a smile on my face.

“Then what’s with all the food your making?" She asked and I could hear the smile just through her voice.

“Good bye Gram Love you!” I laughed out.

“Love you too dear.” She replied as we hung up the phones.

As I started checking for everything in the fridge I realized I need fresh bread, peppers, mushrooms, and powder sugar for the frosting. “To the store,” I said to no one. I grabbed my purse and coat heading out to my car to drive to Whole Foods.

Parking as close as possible, I ran inside before I could get any colder. I love the cold but I mean come on 20 below on a day off is not my idea of a vacation.

Grabbing a cart I headed towards the fresh veggies and bread. I browsed a little more than planned through the store adding a couple more things to the cart. As I turned I saw that brown long hair and those blue eyes I have been seeing every now and then down the isle. “Hey Adam,” I smiled and waved. He looked up and smiled in return. “Hey Bri, what are you up too?”

“Just grabbing some things for a dinner I’m making tonight along with a dessert; How about you?” I asked looking at him; he really did have a pair off gorgeous baby blues I’ve ever seen.

“Just doing some errands; are you having a boy over?” He asked wiggling his brows.

Laughing I responded quickly, “No it is just me, I just felt like actually cooking tonight.” He got quiet for a second.

At the same time we were both abut to say something, “Go ahead…” he said.

I went on instinct, “Well I mean it is just me and my dog but I am making quite a big meal…would you like to join me?” I looked away quickly with me blushing. I can’t believe I invited him over. I looked back at him for an answer and he had a huge grin on his face.

Are you having me over for a date Brianna?” he said with a smirk.

“Well I-I was just wondering if you wanted to hang out an stuff, you don’t have to if you want to. Oh god I’m rambling I’m so-“

“Sure I’ll come over what time?” he asked laughing a bit while interrupting me. I sighed in relief, “Around six thirty it should be in the oven so if you come over then we can talk a bit and hang out before.” I suggested.

Adam smiled pushed his cart beside mine, “six thirty, see you then.” He said. He walked away I waved bye and he winked. What did I just do?
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Okay i thought about it and six comments was a bit much even for amazing writers. I'd just really like your feed back, it keeps me going in a way. It is like the battery to my energizer bunny.

Thanks to those who did comment and guess what 14 subcribers WOOO!!! hope you like this chapter. I really I thought it was cute.