Status: Active :P (OH NO D:)

You May Be A Stranger

Stranger 2

I walked down the dark, empty corridors of my house, thinking about my life.
My name is Li Mei Ameri. I have black hair and blue-grey eyes. My dad is the Duke of where we live. He's quite popular, so there's always a ton of paparazzi circling my house, or should I say, mansion in the countryside. I have everything I ever wanted, but I'm far from spoilt.
You see, you might think having the world at your fingertips would be fun, or getting home schooled until you were 14 would be the time of your life, but trust me, it's not. It's terrible not wanting anything because you've already got it. It's boring being stuck in the same place all you're life.
I didn't leave my house from the day I was born until my 14th birthday - 21st October. My twin Kamil and I went to a public school for the first time on our birthday. Kamil wasn't too fussed, he just liked hanging round at break with the guys and checking out the girls. I wondered around with a crowd of plastics on my back. I didn't want to be friends with the gang of girls in short skirts and too much make-up and had orange fake tan on. I went to find Kamil, but he was having a good time with his new friends so I didn't ask if I could hang round with him.
I loved the lessons we did. Maths was surprisingly exciting, doing it with a class. Textiles was fasinating. I had never used a needle or sewing machine before. It was so cool, even though I pricked myself nearly everytime I attempted to pull the needle through the denim material. Kamil nearly didn't touch anything, until I threatened to poke him with my needle.
When we got home, Mum and Dad tried to get us to go back to home school, but I refused.
I smiled to myself. That was the only time I had ever acted spoilt.
"Whoa!" I heard before I went tumbling down a flight off stairs.
When I landed, I saw I had landed on Kamil.
"Sorry." I apologised.
"What were you doing? You seemed completely out of it. Like you were on you're own planet." Kamil looked at me with a strange face.
"Oh, nothing. Lost in my own thoughts, I guess." Kamil shook his head.
"I wonder if Mum and Dad heard that. If they did, we'd better run."
"Race ya to the games room."
"You're on!"
With that we raced down the halls, in and out, this way and that. I was surprised we never got lost.
I touched the door first and since Kamil was no where to be seen, I went inside and saw the window unlocked.