Status: Active :P (OH NO D:)

You May Be A Stranger

Stranger 3

I walked out the tattoo place and admired the star placed carefully on my wrist. It means there’s more out there.
I’ve always wanted a tattoo, they seemed so cool before, and I was right, they’re amazing. I’m going to have to tell my best friend Charlotte about this. I brushed back my blue tipped fringe and continued to head down the street. Everyone was saying hello to me.
Everyone knows me because I’m a talented performer. I’m Sherry Poppy Malone, I’m nineteen years old and I’m very talented. “Sherry!” A feminine voice shouted from behind me, obviously running because you could hear every step they took in their voice. I turned around, Charlotte skipping towards me, very happy. Well, she’s generally a happy person. “Hey Charlie.” I said, hugging her. She’s quite short, or maybe I’m just tall.
“We won the animal cruelty protest.” Charlie said, smiling, proud of herself. “Well done!” I screamed, and several people looked at us, obviously angry at us for being loud and all that.
“Well, it was a tough fight, but we were fighting for something worth fighting for.” She said, peering into the carrier bag I was holding. I had been to the shop before I had gone to get my tattoo. “It’s a present for you…” I said enthusiastically, pulling out bow hairclips. Something you should know about Charlotte: she loves bows, especially bow hair accessories.
“Wow!” Charlotte squealed, taking the hairclips from me. I let her have them straight away.
She may not look it, but she’s really strong, trust me. Anyone who gets on the bad side of her is either stupid, or they think they are really strong. I’ve never been on the bad side of Charlie, but other people have, and I was an eye witness. “So, can I see the tattoo?” She asked me.
I pulled up the sleeve of my green jacket and showed her the star, with the writing underneath saying: There’s more out there. Charlie admired it, prodding it gently. I smiled. I also love my tattoo. “Wow, it’s lovely.” She said when I pulled back down my sleeve. I smiled, “I thought that too.” I said. “I might get a tattoo sometime, one of a bow.” She mumbled. That made me smile even more. “I’ve got to get to the dance studio now, fuck.” I said.
Old people looked at me angrily. I just blushed and mouthed ‘sorry’. A lot of people get in a mood with me easily, which annoys me a lot. “Let me drive you there, I have my car.” Charlie said.
She’s such a great, prepared friend. “Thanks, you’re the best friend in the world!” I said, following her town past all the shops, markets and stalls right into the car park. Charlie pointed out her dark blue car, right by the entrance, on the other side of the car park. Damn it. “Run!” I shouted, my feet tapping the concrete ground with every step I took.
Charlotte was just behind me, her squeaky shoes audible. They thudded against the concrete a lot more frequently then mine.
“Open the car!” I shouted behind me. I could hear the jingling of keys as Charlie unlocked the car. The lights on the car flashed twice before turning off again. I opened the passenger door and climbed in, waiting for Charlie to get in and drive. She banged her head on the door.
“Ow.” She muttered, jamming the keys in and turning them. The engine roared to life, turning into a soft purr straight away. She stomped her foot down on the accelerator and the car shot off out of the car park. Charlie is really good at driving. I haven’t done my driving test yet, I can’t be bothered right now with all the work I’m doing. Dancing, singing, performing, it’s all so much to handle. “We’ll soon be there.” Charlie mumbled under her breath.
She stomped her foot down on the accelerator harder and the hand on the miles per hour meter was going up to sixty. “Slow down!” I screamed, stamping on Charlie’s foot.
Her foot went off the accelerator and she glared at me with daggers. The car came to a halt, the hand on zero. “It’s right there!” I shouted, getting out the car. Charlie stayed in the car, tending to her foot. “Sorry.” I called just before she slammed the car door shut. I’m ready to dance.
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This is short sorry :(
