
Paws off!

I get out of the car when we get home and run straght to my room. I look in the mirror and see normality. There isn't a not on my head. Maybe I have inner bleeding. Some type of concusion would be more correct.

"Baby girl!"

"Yes mama!"

"We forgot to pick up your brother!"

"You may have forgotten but I didn't mnd one bit."

"I am gonna go get him. Anything you may have forgotten."

"Well, now that you mention it, I need-" she closed the door and I was alone. I felt the feeling from when I saw the mirage across the street. I ninja hopped off my bed and slipped slash ran down the stairs. By the time I opened the door she was not in the driveway. But, what was in the trucks place almost had me fooled thinking it was the truck. Exceot for the fact that it was bigger. Too much bigger I would say. It was looking at me with eyes, and that's what headlights don't do. I stepped bak into the house slowly. Chanting that I am in my room lying down. I had a little moronic laugh as I fell back. I used my foot to close the door. I wonder what pushed me. I twitched as sanity played back my answer.

The werewolf had pushed passed me to get inside before I could close the door. I smiled and looked to where the sniffing sound was coming from. It was barely able to move in my tiny hallway and I also had nowhere to go but into the laundry room. I did a quick backwards somersault and it jumped in there faster and fell for my subconcious trap and I closed the door. I grabbed the key that is able to have the laundry room locked from the inside and sighed sliding to the floor.

"There is not a werewolf in the luandry room momma. It's just a class pet. I know we do not have class pets in High School but now we do. Yeah. I got up taking the key with me and then it spoke.

"I woud hate to have to break your door, little human girl." I panted as if I had ran across every desert on mama dirt at 100 degrees and was sickeningly obeses in a bubble suit.

"I am goingto leave the key and run to my room. Please let yourself out." I dd as said I woul and ran skipping, well, leaping up 4 steps at a time and divin into my room. As I go back to close the door it's muzzle comes through pushing me back into my headboard and knocking down my alarm clock. I turned the alarm on and placed it next to my head. Wake up.