Congratz! You Stole My Heart.

Dragging you with me..

Julia’s P.O.V

I couldn’t believe I somehow managed to drag Trevor into this. This is my problem, and then I had to include him into it. For this, I hate myself. I lay in my bed, just laying there, not even thinking really. I looked around and all, but there wasn’t much I could do for the doctor wouldn’t let me get up till he took off this oxygen mask thing. At around a few hours later, which basically were 3 am, they came in and I finally got a nap in. I didn’t really understand why they were letting we go at maybe 2 weeks from now when I was already cured. I was able to walk all about if I wanted to, breath fine and all accept at the moment I was extremely tired. They probably wanted to run tests on me, since to them; I’m just a crazy kid who knows too much trying to kill herself in a fire or something. I decided I should look at the positive before I completely drive myself insane. At least, in the hospital, we get free food; we wake up and stay up all we want. When we go to bed we can sleep with the TV still on. We can hang out around the café and meet new people who aren’t contagious with their reason for coming to the hospital. Also being at the hospital meant Trevor and I could really work out our problems and questions. We could finally find answers. How would we get away from Candi and John? How could we get them arrested? Where was I going to stay after this was all over? I didn’t want to review the questions now. I had a huge headache already. For now, I guess I’ll just travel by wind current. Try to get by for the day and then try to get by the next day. One thing is, I wanted to consult with Trevor.

Trevor’s P.O.V:

I was eating breakfast; bacon and eggs, when Julia came in. I pushed the tray away from me so Julia could come over and pull up a chair. She immideantly started talking without saying much of a hello or good morning. “I think we need to start thinking what we should do about Candi and her minion John.” She started off. I took admire of how she said minion. She never uses words like that- I was caught pretty struck when she used it in such a serious situation also. “Already?” I asked, piercing a split in the skin of my eggs with my fork, and letting the yellowish goo drain out which I then spread all along my eggs as if a dressing. “Trevor this is dead serious stuff.” She told me, looking outside at the sunrise. When she started explaining about ‘why’ we need to be so serious is when I stopped paying attention and folded back my eggs, then stuck my fork square in the middle and took a bite. “Julia?” I interrupted, soon to see it was a mistake. “Aren’t you going to eat your breakfast?” I asked picking up a fatty bacon strip. “Eat?” She asked. “I can’t eat right now, I’m too shaken up!” She said getting pissed at me suddenly. “Julia!” I asked a bit stern. “If you don’t eat you’re ganna get yourself sick?” I said getting up. “Wouldn’t that be a shame if I skip breakfast?” She glared at me, showing me her cuts and bruises. “Julia. You’re a little stressed; some good food will make you feel better.” I said. “Oh!” She started screaming at me. “Like I’ll forget everything that’s happened because I eat some bacon and eggs.” She demanded. “I didn’t mean it like that.” I said calmly. “Of coarse you didn’t.” She snarled and walked out the door. What I did was simply walk over to my breakfast and finish off my greasy bacon strips. I knew the stress she was dealing with, and knowing Julia, she had always been the type to be organized, stressed out easily, and all, so I also knew she could crack pretty easily at this stage. I decided it would be best to give her a second to blow off steam and put her pieces back together.

Julia’s P.O.V:

I suppose I feel bad I yelled at Trevor. The thing is, sometimes he thinks everything’s a joke, and now was the worst time ever to think things are a joke. I did end up going to the café to have breakfast which was an omelet. I ate it up quickly, but I had to admit wanting to savor the taste. The red peppers were extremely juicy even though it had been cooked with the egg. The lemonade here was very good- not too watery but not to sweet either. When I had finished I through the waste in the trash and found a woman with a worker uniform throwing out her trash too. “Excuse me, ma’am.” I asked politely. “Is there a problem?” She responded automatically. “Not exactly. I just wanted like a notebook and pen to work out a few problems…” I asked a little red. “There should be a note pad and pen in the desk at your room.” She said and finished putting the trash in the bin and placing away the tray. I smiled and left to get it. When I finally did have a grip of a note pad, I began scribbling out my thoughts on paper. At the top I wrote, Questions. I wrote down all the questions I had previous and for the future to solve. Then I wrote Answers. There was surprisingly a lot. Why was I targeted? Why did they want to burn me? Why did they call police? All answered. I tore the two pages out and began to write below the tattered page marks above. What Do I Need To Do? That was a very serious question, a question which I needed to really think about before making conclusions. First thing I wrote was talk with Trevor. Under that, I wrote make a plan. Then I wrote make a conclusion. Then I lightly tossed the note pad in the cabinet again along with the pen. I decided to apologize to Trevor for being inconsiderate. Better now than any later, right?

Trevor’s P.O.V:

Just as I thought, Julia came to my side and apologized. Then she showed me her plan. We talked about it for a long while. “We need to get away from her.” I said, effortlessly. Julia wrote it in the things we need to do’’ list.
“That’s right.” She agreed. “First things first, get away from her- far away from her like a different state other than California.” She said rising up and swaying her hands way out to gesture how big the world really is and what we could do with it. “Then, we need to make sure she can’t find us. Change our identities.” I said smirking. “That’s right.” Julia said. “We should change our identities so she can’t track us before we even leave the state.” She said smiling. “Julia?” I warned. She didn’t answer, just scribbling on the paper her thoughts. “Julia I think you need to think about this better?” ‘What do you mean?” She looked at me, a little confused and annoyed with my disagreement on the already formed plan. “We don’t have any money to go to a different state. We don’t have any computer or anyway really to get our identities changed. We don’t have any money to even buy hair changing dream so we don’t look the same yet me still have the same stuff that police can access. After this, I am sure we will half to go to our parents which is dead news for you…” “That’s IT!” Julia screamed hopping on her chair. “You can get your parents to go on a vacation and take me with you and and?” She explained which I soon interrupted. “Forever?” I complained. She hunched her back over lamely and sat back down. “I suppose your, right.” She sighed. “Julia, you are thinking too much.” I sighed with her. “I just don’t want to go back with them. Not in a million years to come and after those million years not in the next billion!” She complained. “I know, Julia. We’re going to get out of here.” I frowned, but under my covers so no one could see, not even the video camera on the ceiling. Then it hit me, I jumped up. “Julia we’re saved!” I gasped. A serge of energy flowed through me, traveling with my blood it felt like. “We are?” She asked already excited. “Yes, Julia we are.” I cried. “This is great.”

Julia’s P.O.V:

Once Trevor told me his plan, I nearly cried as I desperately pulled Trevor with me down the stairs to the front office.

“I would like to see the video camera in Trevor Gun’s room please.” I panted throwing my greasy brown hair behind my ears. I realized I haven’t taken a proper shower or bath in at least 2-3 day’s. “Only doctors, police, or other people working here can see them.” The woman at the desk said typing at her computer. “It’s important.” I said stubbornly. “I’m sorry! No visitors, guests or patients can see them, like your selves.” She told us not even looking at Trevor or me as she was too busy with her work. “But we are people working here, uhm, helping people at this place as a job sort of. A person needs the money.” Trevor smiled brightly. I, for one, was stunned to hear it. He most likely just dimmed our chances more. There is no way she was going to buy this. To my surprise she only looked at us confused, not angry. “Only people 18 and up, and don’t tell me you are 18 or older because if you do, I will be needing your names which I will find your real age on my computer, and if it isn’t 18 and up you will be in big trouble.” She said getting too stern with us. “I tried.” I heard Trevor whisper. I didn’t answer. “Can we talk to someone who can help us see the video?” I asked as polite as I could. “The janitor.” She laughed as a joke. “Sold! I’ll take it! Where is he?” I asked looking around as if too see him present in the lobby. “Your really want to see it?” She asked. “It’s that important?”
“Extremely important, a matter of… you have no idea.” I panted smiling now that she was seeing how we felt. “Go to the café and find someone in high position there if you want. Give him your story and he just might do it for you.” She said caring less. That’s when I grabbed Trevor’s shirt and marched off to the café for some answers.
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Almost 4 pages.. I think i over loaded it :)