Status: Finished.

Another Chance

Another Chance

She had wasted so many days with him. Looking back, she wonders why she was ever with him. He was a mean, self-centered jerk who only cared about his own well-being. When angry, he would yell and even try to hit her. He would stop whenever he saw her crying and begging him to stop. Why did she stay with him in the first place?

He was beautiful. In her eyes, he was. He had the softest brown hair with eyes to match. In many eyes, he was a regular man, but in her eyes, he was beautiful.

Today was the last straw. She went out and bought a new dress that she was sure he would love. As soon as she got to their small apartment, she changed out of her sweater and jeans and into the dress. She fixed her makeup and worked on dinner for the two.

When he arrived home from work at five, she had made an elegant candle lit dinner for two.
He didn’t notice the dinner or the romance she felt in the air. All he noticed was the new dress she walked in. His first and only question was asked.

“How much did that cost?” When she answered, he got mad. He yelled at her, saying that she was the reason they lived in such a small home. That she was the reason he had been working overtime. She was the reason his life was a mess.

“Why don’t you just leave then?” She yelled, tears flooding her face. That was when she quit. The moment his hand touch her cheek, she knew what she had been denying for all these years: this was not the man she was meant to be with.

He continued to yell, saying that this was his house and if anyone would leave, it would be her. So she did. She said nothing and walked away from his yells, her head held high.

When she left the apartments, she smiled slightly. Even though she had no one else to live with since she moved across the country to be with him and she was too afraid to go back and get her things, she was happy. Maybe now, she could start over and live her life the way she wants to.

But what could she do. She didn’t have a job (he told her not to get one since his job paid enough to keep their home) and she didn’t have any friends (California is such a hard place to find a friend who isn’t spoiled or a slut). Her smile faded, her head falling down to look at the ground. She continued to walk, letting her bare feet take her wherever they wanted to go as she thought what could she do?

Before she knew it, she was at the park, a forty minute walk from the apartments. She didn’t wonder how long she had walked or how she even got here without even thinking about where she was going, she stood and watched people live their happy lives. The park was full of children playing, people walking their dogs, and a small group of people challenging each other to bike races.

She wiped the drying tears from her eyes and sat by a tree. Maybe she should just sleep here for the night. What else could she do? He didn’t want her back. If he did, he would’ve told her to come back instead of telling her to get the hell out of his house. Tears covered her vision as she felt a new feeling wash over her.

She was never the one to feel hate, but he may be an exception. She hated him. Yes, she was sure of it. She hated him with all her heart and soul. Maybe it was too soon, but the hate was coming. She hated him for caring about only himself. She hated him for not running after her. She hated him for drawing her to him. Did she even love him in the first place?

The tears she tried to hold in finally fell. She didn’t know how long she sat there crying and wishing she never met him. When the tears stopped for a moment, she saw the most of the children had left, the dog walkers had vanished, and the bike riders were deciding on where to go for dinner after their last race.

The sun was setting. Since it was summer, it must have been near seven or eight. At this time she would be taking a shower or trying to tell him they shouldn’t be fighting over something so little. Or maybe she would be sitting on the couch, watching the news. Or perhaps they would be making sweet tender love to each other. Or they would be having rough and dirty sex that made her feel like a slut when it ended. Each night was different with them.

The tears finally ran out. If there was even one drop left, it didn’t show its face. Maybe this was a message. She didn’t need to cry over him, did she? No. She wouldn’t waste any tears for the man who gave her hell.

She paid no attention to the world around her. She didn’t notice that last few kids leave. She didn’t notice the bikers ride past her. She didn’t even notice one bike that stopped by the tree.

“Hey,” She turned her head in the direction of the voice and noticed a man around her age with no shirt on, brown hair, and the most beautiful emerald green eyes she had ever seen sitting on a grey bike. “Why so glum?”

She didn’t answer. Why should she speak to a man she had never met before? He didn’t need to know why her life went in the trash when she tried to be romantic to her boyfriend. Besides, why would he care in the first place?

“Come on,” He said when she didn’t answer. “You’ve been sitting here an hour doing nothing but crying and being depressed. What’s got you so upset?”

“I don’t talk to strangers.” She said simply. That was a stupid lie. She talked to strangers. How else was she supposed to meet new people and make friends? The man laughed. Not at her, but at her dumb comment.

“My name’s Christian then. See, now you know who I am. Am I still a stranger?” She nodded and looked down at the tire of his bike. “If you tell me your name, will I still be a stranger?”

She thought for a moment before shrugging. “My name’s Cassandra.” She said softly, her eyes never moving from his bike tire. She watched as a fly flew on it, stopping for a moment, and then quickly flying away.

“That’s a beautiful name.” Christian said. Again, she shrugged. “Now will you tell me what’s got you upset?”

Cassandra thought it over. Maybe it would be good to tell someone. Better a stranger who she wouldn’t have to worry about being embarrassed the next time they met. She doubted she would even see him after this.

“My boyfriend kicked me out.” She said. Cassandra looked back up in time to see Christian’s smile fall. He sure wasn’t expecting that.

“Oh. Um . . . well . . . Are you staying with anyone until you get back on your feet?” Cassandra smiled slightly as Christian struggled with thinking of what to say. She shook her head slightly. She was expecting Christian to ride away on his bike and meet back up with his friends and try not to ever think of her again. She could get use to sleeping in the park, right? After all, lots of homeless people did it.

“It’s his lost.” Cassandra heard Christian say as she felt something touch her hair. She turned her head to see Christian, smiling softly as he touched her hair. “Very few guys are lucky enough to get a girl as beautiful as you.”

Cassandra felt her face heat up. It’s been years since someone had said she was beautiful. He never said it before, that’s for sure. He never even said that he loved her.

“Tell you what,” Christian said pulling his hand away. “If you promise not to rob me or kill me, you can stay at my place until you’re able to get your own place to call home.”

He held his hand out for Cassandra while she thought it through. Maybe she should, besides, where else could she go. But what if he was one of those rapist or serial killers? But there was more of a chance of a rapist finding her in the park.

“I promise.” She said. Slowly, she took her hand out and rested it in Christian’s. She ignored the small shocks she felt when his skin touched hers. She tried to ignore how her hand fit perfectly with Christian’s until he brought it up.

“A perfect fit.” He said pulling her up. He stepped off his bike and walked to his biking buddies, telling them he had to get home. His hand didn’t let Cassandra’s go the entire time.

“Why are you helping me?” Cassandra asked as she sat in the passenger seat of his car. As he slid into the driver’s seat and put the key in ignition, she grabbed her hand and smiled at her, his green eyes sparkling as they stared into her plain brown ones.

“Because Cassandra,” He said. “Everyone deserves another chance.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I can't believe Mibba says that I spelled grey wrong. Then again, many spell it with an a instead of an e. I spell it with an e.

Anyway, the layout blinds me. It's so bright! I'll live.
If you read it, you should have if your reading this, how was it? Tell me. =D