Status: Active.. Sort of



The music played loudly as the huge crowd of brightly clothed guests listened to the toast being performed. The night air was pleasantly warm and scented with honey and rose, as if it too were joining in the celebration. On this special night, all feuds were put aside to celebrate the wedding of Kinley and Lillianna, future royalty of the Seelie Court.
The union had been anticipated since the day Kinley had begun to romance Lillianna nearly five years before. Their marriage would make the Seelie Court stronger than it had ever been in the history of Faerie, finally allowing them to take power over the bothersome Unseelie Court.
The Unseelies were cruel and tended to pick fights. The Seelies and Unseelies had never been friendly, but as the centuries wore on, a keen dislike had started to manifest itself. Neither court had yet made a move to break the fragile peace, but the hatred was only growing stronger. The Seelie Court could only hope that the union of Kinley and Lillianna would help to keep the Unseelies’ antics in check.
“This union truly will change the Seelie Court forever! I could think of no better pair than that of my dear friend Kinley and the beautiful Lillianna!” Kinley’s best friend, Lynch, cheered as he finished his toast.
The joyous crowd broke into enthusiastic applause before continuing their spirited dancing as Lynch took his seat beside Kinley at the wedding table.
“You are a true friend Lynch. I could not have asked for a better speech!” Kinley laughed and amicably shook Lynch’s hand.
“And you, my friend, are a truly lucky man to have a woman as beautiful as the dear Lillianna! If only one day I could win the heart of a woman half as beautiful as she I would be content!” Lynch enthused.
“Oh dear Lynch, you flatter me!” Lillianna smiled radiantly from the other side of Kinley.
“My darling, the word ‘beautiful’ does not give justice even to your baby finger, much less all of you.” Kinley told his new wife lovingly.
“Now I must perform a toast, honoring my daughter and new son-in-law!” Lillianna’s father, Llewellyn, announced as he climbed gracefully onto the stage.
“I only hope he has not yet had much wine.” Lillianna joked to Kinley quietly as her father cleared his throat dramatically.
“My daughter, there is not a young man in all the realm of Faerie more suitable for you than the noble Kinley. From the moment you announced your relationship with him, I knew that the Seelie Court would strengthen with this beautiful union. May your centuries together bring you more happiness than you ever thought possible!” Lillianna’s father said warmly, the emotion in his voice directed only at her, but carrying out to the entire crowd of people.
Lillianna felt tears coming to her eyes. Never before had her father been so sentimental or so proud. He had always been quiet about his emotions, but now Lillianna saw how much love he truly did feel for his only child.
“I love you my child.” Llewellyn whispered in her ear and kissed the top of her head before exiting the stage and returning to his table with Lillianna’s mother, Maybelle.
“I believe that it is time for the newly wedded lovers to share a dance!” Lynch announced and signaled to the musician’s to play a slower dance.
Lillianna smiled shyly at Kinley as he led her to the dance floor where they were about to share their first dance as husband and wife.
All eyes were upon the young couple as they moved gracefully around the dance floor. Kinley led Lillianna perfectly, creating a beautiful fluid movement as if the couple were one. Lillianna’s white gown swirled around as Kinley spun her effortlessly; the diamond chips of the bodice illuminating brilliantly under the soft lights of the night sky.
“You have never looked more beautiful than you do now. I hope you realize that I have not been able to look away from your radiant beauty.” Kinley smiled and pulled Lillianna’s waist in even closer to his body.
The song ended and a joyful, spirited song began to play. Lillianna laughed and danced with her best friend, Marigold and other girls of the Seelie Court.
“I am quite envious I must say!” Marigold giggled with Lillianna as they joined arms and danced in circles around the guests.
“You’ll find someone soon enough Marigold! Lynch is quite handsome, perhaps he is interested!” Lillianna suggested joyfully.
“Hardly, Lynch is concerned with only two things, his friends and having fun. I do not think that a wife is in his plans.” Marigold whispered so that Lynch wouldn’t be able to hear from ten feet away.
“Nonsense! Lynch wants a wife just like any other man!” Lillianna insisted.
The girls laughed and continued their dance, until Lillianna heard Kinley growl something under his breath. Immediately the music stopped and people began to look for the source of the sudden halt in festivities.
“No need to stop your dancing for me. I just thought I would join you all!” A voice sneered from the shadows.
“Come forward and show your face you Unseelie abomination!” Kinley growled and stepped in front of Lillianna, protecting her.
“You shouldn’t speak to me like that; you don’t want to anger me.” The Unseelie laughed and stepped out of the shadows.
“Kieran, leave here now and go back to your own Court.” Lynch growled standing faithfully next to Kinley.
“I can’t wait to get back to my court, but there are some things, errands if you will, that I must finish up first.” Kieran laughed and darted quickly, a blur in the dim lighting. “You see, I came for this pretty little thing.”
Kinley turned quickly and saw Kieran holding his beloved Lillianna at the neck. “Release her!” He growled menacingly and pulled his jeweled sword from its sheath.
“Ah ah, I wouldn’t if I were you; unless you wish your wife’s neck to be snapped that is.” Kieran threatened.
“Release her; you’ve had your fun.” Kinley demanded as he nestled his sword back into its sheath quietly.
“Not quite.” Kieran smiled wickedly as he and Lillianna began to shimmer away.
Kinley ran to reach Lillianna’s shimmering form before it disappeared but he couldn’t. The image of her wide eyes and terrified expression burned into his mind.
“Stand tall, they cannot have gone far, we’ll find her!” Lynch said as he patted Kinley’s back.
“I want every man here to search for my wife. Not a soul rests until she is found and brought safely back to me!” Kinley roared to the stunned crowd.
Immediately the crowd dispersed. Women and children hurried back towards their houses and men ran into the forest and fields, swords at the ready.
“We’ll search together Lynch.” Kinley said as he took off into the night, determined to find his love.
“I wouldn’t have it any other way.” Lynch smiled soberly and followed Kinley’s lead.
The search continued for three days’ time. All the land was searched extensively, but not a trace was found of Lillianna. Kinley and his search had no choice but to look in the one place Kinley had hoped they wouldn’t have to search, the mortal realm.
What the search party found was a true tragedy; Unseelie magic at its most powerful.