Status: work in progress


Fly By Night

“Where have you guys been?” Zack called out from the table. “I’ve been waiting forever on you!”

“Uh, Zack, sorry, but were like five minutes late.” Brandon said, smirking.

“Oh,” Zack said, taking his watch head out of his pocket. “It seemed like forever. But I’m starving.”

“Do you still have the Crotch Watch?” I asked him, grinning. Zack’s watch broke and he super-glued it to his belt buckle for a while but he took it off due to girls staring at it.

“Yeah,” he said, sighing, “I need a new one but band merch isn’t the best job out there.”

“Did you tell your mom?” I asked him curiously. “She’d probably buy you one.” I met his mom before and she is the nicest lady on the whole planet. She would do anything for her son.

“Uh, I was gonna wait and see if I could get the money saved up. If not then I’ll tell her.” He answered. Just then, his stomach growled. “Weeeeelllllll, your shift! I'm gonna go get something to eat.” He said walking away with his hands in his pockets.

“What do you say, we get Zack a little girl watch?” Brandon asked, turning to me.

“Haha! Sounds great. We’ll go to Wal-Mart after this okay?” I asked “We should have Mike give it to him up on stage, too”

“That would be great!” Brandon said. We were too busy talking that we didn’t notice two girls standing there, waiting on us. “Oh, sorry I didn’t see you there, can I help you?” He said, suddenly taking on a polite personality.

“Ummm, yeah, do you have any of the new CD’s?” one of them asked.

“Yeah,” I said, reaching for one, “They’re $15.”

“Oh, that’s a lot.” The other one said.

“Yeah, it is. But it’s a good band with good equipment and a good studio behind it.” I said. “Besides your Hollister perfume probably cost more and its choking me to death.”

The girls looked at us in shock. “Okay then, we’ll just go buy The Almost CD’s.”

“You do that, Aaron is such a sweet guy and we’d be happy to lose our business to him.”

As soon as they left, Brandon turned to me, “What was that all about?”

“I’m so over preps.” I said. “I thought when we got out of high-school it would end, but it got worse.”
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okay this is short but its 1:30 in the morning and im too ADD to work with facebook and write at the same time. the title is Fly By Night by (once agian) Rush (theyre such a good band though)