Sequel: Shut Them Down.
Status: Complete [:

Shout It Out.


I nodded and continued to gaze out of the window. So many strange things. My necklace disappearing and I find out that it had become a part of me. My veins turning blue. Discovering Sam's car is and alien robot. Getting chased by an evil alien robot after the glasses. Meeting four other alien robots who are apparently the good guys. And the worst of all; feeling connected to them all. I don't even know the reason how or why! I hope I get answers soon.
Returning to the world from my head, I felt the come to a close stop. We were all parked in my yard. No not in the driveway, not at the curb, but IN my yard. Dad was soo going to be pissed. God have mercy on us that Dad doesn't punish us. I laughed silently after the thought. He would just make us plant flowers and more grass then get fed up with the way we were doing it and do it himself.
The seatbelt came undone by itself and the door opened. The truck was pretty high off the ground my height so I had to take a big step to get out. When I took that step, though, I felt the tingling sensation on my skin. I looked into the Ironhide's mirror and gasped. The blue veins now framed my face and creating a sort of pattern on the sides of my eyes.
I could NOT let mom and dad see me like this. I need to think of a quick story if they do happen to see me. Think, Jack, think! I racked my brains for ideas.
After I was good distance away, all the Autobots transformed into their biped forms. Mojo was outside at that moment and instead of barking, he decided to pee on Ironhide.
Ironhide aimed his cannons at Mojo, “I see you have a pest problem. Shall I exterminate?”
“No!” I whispered harshly, as Sam grabbed Mojo.
“This thing has leaked lubricants all over me,” Ironhide complained.
“He did?” Sam asked. “Bad Mojo.”
“Yes, bad Mojo!” Ironhide mimicked. “Now I'm going to rust...”
I giggled quietly as he whined about rusting. He looked at me with a glare. I put my hands up. Looking around for a stray rag or something on the ground, I found one of mom's towels she left out and grabbed it. I walked over to Ironhide's foot and he looked down at me cautiously. I grinned and wiped the liquid off of his foot.
“There maybe it won't rust so bad,” I said, tossing the rag to the side.
“Jack, c'mon!” Sam whispered loudly at me causing the front door open. It startled Sam since he was right there.
“Sam! Jack! Where have you both been?” Dad demanded.
Sam distracted Dad for a few moments so we could get inside. Mikaela and the bots hid in the dark, while we tried to get past Dad.
“You're mother wanted to ground you and all seeing as your past curfew and all-” Dad started but I interrupted him.
“Dad, I really have to go pee! Can you please let me through?”
“Yea, sure. Wait. Turn around Jack.” Dad said just as I was about to make it up the stairs in the house. I slowly turned around. I came up with an excuse then. “What is on your face?”
“Uh...Sam took me to a carnival in the next town over. I wanted to get my face painted. Do you like it?” I lied.
“It's very...unique. Looks like veins and all. Show your mother later.”
“Dad? I really have to go too...” Sam exclaimed.
“Alright. Go before I change my mind about grounding both of you.”
Sam and I ran to his room looking for the glasses frantically.
Suddenly the ground shook and the lights went off. I felt a small jolt surge through me. I know I didn't electrocute myself but when I leaned out the window, I saw that the large mech Ironhide and the medi-mech had stumbled into a power line. Why had I felt that? I shook my head then my eyes widened when I peered down at the ground. Dad's fountain had been crushed, his grass flattened, and the sidewalk all screwed up.
“Guys! Quit moving!” They didn't seem to hear me.
Optimus looked through the window at that time, “Have you found it yet? Hurry!” He lifted Mikaela to the room then to help us search. We searched all over the room and had not found the glasses yet. Ironhide and Ratchet shown their bright lights into the room.
“Maybe it's in my room. I'll go check,” I said, walking out.
Right as I entered my room, Mom and Dad came up the stairs, towards Sam's room. I could hear them as I searched, “Sam, what's that light? Open the door. Don't make me count. And who were you talking to?” Dad questioned.
Not finding the glasses, I exited my room and towards Sam's. I stood behind Mom and Dad, who apparently hadn't noticed me. I motioned through the window briefly and frantically to Ironhide to hide. He got the memo and told the others. They scattered hiding wherever they could fit.
Sam opened his door hastily, “I'm talking to you. Why?”
Mom asked why he sweaty and filthy. Then asked if he was masturbating. At that moment I busted out laughing. Mom saw me and shook her head.
Mom pushed past him, “Sam, we heard you talking to someone.”
“Mom, I-”
Mikaela made it her turn to stand up from behind Sam's desk, “Hi, I'm Mikaela. I'm a...a friend of Sam's.”
Dad and Mom stared. It was quite rude if you asked me, but I couldn't blame them. Sam never had a girlfriend. Well there was that one time with one of my dolls...nah. I'd rather not get into that. It was one of my favorites when I was younger and I burned it cos Sam kissed it...
“God, you're gorgeous!” Mom exclaimed.
“Mom! Watch what you say about God!” I scolded her.
She nodded then looked to my father, “Isn't she pretty?”
Sam groaned, “She can hear you talking...”
I rolled my eyes, “Mom? Dad? Have you seen where Sam left grandpa's glasses? We really need them.”
Mom thought for a moment, “On the kitchen table.”
“Alright. C'mon!” I yelled to Sam and Mikaela. I rushed passed my parents, the other two close behind me.
When Sam grabbed the glasses the door bell rang. Dad answered it.
A weird, official, gross looking man was there, “Ronald Wikity?”
“It's Witwicky. Who are you?” Dad asked, looking at the man like he was stupid as he and more official men rudely entered our house.
These men gave of very bad vibes. I hid somewhat behind my brother, glaring as hard as I could.
“We're the government. Sector Seven,” The man replied.
“Never heard of it.”
He looked at Dad, “Never will.”
Sam stuck the glasses into his breast pocket as the man looked around the house.
He came back into the kitchen and looked at Sam, “Are you Sam Witeki?”
“Witwicky. And yes. Why?” Sam corrected.
“You're going to have to come with us,” he made a motion to grab Sam. Sam stepped back, almost tripping over me.
The man seemed just notice I was there. I glared even harder. His eyes seemed to widen when he looked me over. Must be the random blue veins on my face, I thought sarcastically.
“And you must be little Jackii. You're going to have to come too, kid.” He went to grab me too and I punched him right in the face.
“You're going to pay for that, kid. Grab 'em boys,” He said nasally, holding his nose.
We were grabbed, Mikaela too, and were pushed through the doors. I heard a light engine rumble. 'Autobots, help,' I thought to myself.
They handcuffed all of us and put us into a tacky, black SUV.
Dad and Mom were being put into another SUV. Dad yelled out, “You're not taking my kids!”
“A little too late for that. We'll not be seeing each other later,” The man, who's name I learned to be was Simmons.
As we sat, handcuffed, in the back of the SUV, the man turned to Sam, “Last night, at the station, you told the officer your car transformed. Enlighten me.”
“Well here's what I said okay? This is all one big misunderstanding about me and my car being stolen...”
“Really?” Simmons interrupted. I wanted to kick him in the face.
“...from me, from my home, but it's fine now 'cause its back! It came back!” Sam explained.
Mikaela spoke up, “Well not by itself.”
“Well, no.”
I wanted to slap my hand to my face. Way to go and try not to give anything away.
“Because that would be crazy,” she and Sam laugh nervously. The others laughed sarcastically.
Simmons stopped abruptly, “What do you kids know about aliens?”
All three pairs of eyes in the back seat widened.
I truly thank God for letting us stop then. There was a reason we stopped though. We were suddenly lifted into the air and the roof was ripped off.
I sighed, “Optimus! Thank God!”
Simmons eyed me, then blankly looked up at Optimus.
“Taking the children was a bad idea. Let them go now!” Optimus set the SUV down and him and Ironhide aimed their cannons at Simmons.
“I'm not at liberty-”
Simmons quickly let us go and Mikaela had gotten me and Sam out of the handcuffs. Along on the ride, we had learned that Mikaela had a Juvie record so this didn't surprise me.
We handcuffed all the Sector Seven Officials and Sam was demanding what they wanted.
I wasn't really paying attention and was holding my head looking at every Autobot wanting to reach out to them for some unknown reason.
What brought me back to reality was helicopters landing and then taking off after the Autobots. I wanted to the 'Bots to shoot them down, but I somehow knew they wouldn't.
We all ran trying to get away from firing guns. Optimus scooped the three of us up and hid under a bridge. We were slowly slipping though. I gave a short scream when we fell, absolutely terrified of being up so high. He tried to break our fall, but succeeding not by much. When we landed the helicopters rained down towards us. Bumblebee transformed into his biped form but was quickly shot down with things that resembled harpoons with ropes attached. He was quickly brought down. I saw Ironhide trying to make his way towards us quickly but he was stopped by Optimus. I wanted Ironhide to come to our rescue, but I didn't want him getting hurt too. Men came out of no where spraying Bumblebee with liquid nitrogen. Sam and I screamed as we were being pulled back. Sam squirmed his out of their grip and ran towards the Yellow bot. He knocked down a few men and sprayed them with the liquid ice, but was quickly restrained. That must've been what triggered. That or Bumblebee slowly being frozen or not having Ironhide come to our rescue but I could feel the blue veins spread completely over my arms and my legs. The man holding me yelped let me go. Had I burned him? I don't know and I didn't care. I ran once I released. I ran faster than I had ever ran before. I caught a glimpse of my hands. They were a bright blue. I surprised myself when I threw off the men that tackled me. I kneeled at Bumblebee's head and laid my hand on his cheek. I don't know what came over me then but what surprise me more was when I had stood up and faced more men that were about to take me down.
Here's the surprising part, I lifted my hand and there was a cannon that had formed. And it WORKED. I shot at them, ignoring an internal battle on whether to fight or be freaked out.
I could feel eyes on me. Sam, Mikaela, the Autobots, and the Sector Seven men. As I attacked the men that were coming towards me, I looked behind and saw the other Autobots on the bridge, watching. My eyes trailed to the black mech. I looked at him. I was being careless, not paying attention to what was happening down on the ground where I was and I paid the price for it. I was shot at and it hit. It sounded like it had hit a metal plate but I know it had hit me and I know I didn't have any metal plates in me. When I felt the pain surge through me though, I grabbed my shoulder with a blue veined hand and fell to my knees. I gave the Autobots one last glance. I looked in confusion as they crowded around Ironhide. He was clutching his metal shoulder and looking at me.
He couldn't have gotten shot could he? My thoughts trailed as what seemed like forever as I fell to the ground and onto my face.
The last thing I saw before my eyes closed was several pairs of feet running towards me, sideways. My eyes slowly shut and all I saw was blackness.

Ironhide's POV
We were all shocked when we saw her arm transform into a cannon and bright blue light flooded out of her mouth as if someone turned on a very bright flashlight inside her head when she attacked the government men.
I watched with an unknown feeling as I saw a man shoot his gun aimed at her head.
My spark clenched when it went off and even more when I saw the young Organic get blasted in the shoulder. I don't even have a clue as to why.
There was a sharp pain in my shoulder that hurt so slaggin much that it made me fall to my knees.
I distinctly remember Jackii telling me about how she felt drawn to me. Like there was an invisible string. I hadn't even known the femme for very long and I somehow could feel a tug on that string as I watched her fall onto her front. I watched with confusion.
I wished I knew what was wrong with me, but at that moment, all I wanted to do was blow the heads off of those Sector Seven guys for harming her.

♠ ♠ ♠
oh-oh-oh! So much happening! What's wrong with Jackii? Why did she have a cannon? Most importantly; what is with the instant, almost invisible connection between her and Ironhide? More will be explained as the story progresses :D

Please Rate/Message/Comment!! :3

You have no idea how hard it is for me to write and not say any Texas slang. I'm a native Texan and I always use y'all lol. :D

Do y'all like the banner I made? I tried to add the veins onto her. Hope it looks pretty cool. I would love it if one of y'all made one too! Send me a link or something~