Status: In Progress

The Black Winged Angels


I did as I was told to do trying not to observe my surroundings too much. The little girl answered the door and I put on the happiest look I could possibly manage; “Hi honey, where’s your daddy?” it broke my heart to say it. Alex had waited for me by the door, letting me go in first to take charge. The little girl told me that her name was Marcy and led me to the living room where she sat down to color on the same table where her toothpick figure of a dad was snorting coke, I felt anger rise up in my throat. “Come on Marcy, why don’t you show me your room?” Alex led her away, I was alone.

He looked at me and stood, nodding before walking me down a hallway to a basement; which was now a dark room for developing photos. Horrible photo’s of woman that I can’t get out of my mind; my only wish at that moment was that I wouldn’t be in one of them. I opened my purse and handed him what was inside, he took it greedily, but offered me the first line. First rule I learned was to never decline unless among friends, I took half of a line and offered the rest to him, which he accepted. I took the bag by the door and practically ran back upstairs. Where Alex had stood making Marcy breakfast, which was eggs and toast with a glass of water. I went around and picked up all the clothes in the house and put them in the washer that looked like it hadn’t been used in months. The only clean areas were the kitchen, the living room, and the horrid black room. I went and sat by Marcy, hoping she would talk, but she remained silent, she ate, and then proceeded to her room. I did the Dishes while Alex switched over laundry, and we left. Marcy stood brokenhearted at her bedroom window, I knew what she felt, and it hurt.

I was informed that I did a good job when I got back into the vehicle; Quinn knew it was going to be hard for me to cope with it, he never once asked me to just forget it. He may be a dealer, but he gives you life lessons on how bad it is. He took me and Alex to the bar, minors weren’t welcome but Quinn’s dad owns the place so nobody says anything as he brings us both a margarita and a shot of vodka. It went okay with what I had done not even an half an hour ago, though I felt twisted in every direction. We thanked him, and sat down at a booth in the back. We discussed a few things, joked back and forth, we were all getting along. Quinn handed us each 50 bucks and 10 smiley faced pills; five for me and five for her until the next run, which most likely would be later tonight. Quinn kept most the money, but we didn’t care much, soon we could break off. He dropped us off at home, being close to 11 o’clock, he also took us to sum weird fast food Chinese place outside of town, and we got something for the boys too. When we finally got dropped off, thanking Quinn as he drove away, I was feeling a lot higher than before. When we sat down for lunch, I didn’t eat anything, I wasn’t hungry at all. I just sat there picking at my noodles and drawing what I could on an old napkin. My mind was hopelessly bored and buzzing to different places in my mind I had no clue were there. I was hopeless. I was in the middle of thinking about the color warped walls when I was suddenly awoken from my thoughts by James poking me in my forehead.

“It’s not nice to poke people, do it again and I will bite your finger and hopefully it will bleed.”

“Oh, vicious are we?”

“Very, I would be scared if I was you.”

“Go ahead, bite me, I may like it.”

I smiled, “Is that a statement or an offer?”

He paused for a moment, “Both.”

I could have sworn I could die laughing at that point; the seriousness in his face contradicted the silliness in his voice. I didn’t know what to think. And so I did, I fell over laughing as everyone else looked at me in confusion, well except for James. I think at that point he wanted me to, but I wouldn’t, I’m too much of a tease and a little bit precocious to give in. Alex and I both took showers before getting dressed to go out, we were going shopping. Not only did we need food for the house but Alex needed clothes. James is still looking for a job, but he has an interview today at 4, while Christian works 7 to 11 tonight. Alex and I walked to the mall to get her clothes, and then stopped at the grocery store on the way home to get bread, milk, noodles and whatever else that sounded good. Getting home around 7:15, Christian had left, and James was passed out on the couch, I covered him with a blanket and did dishes. The doorbell rang at 8 and James got up to answer it, I was still doing dishes, Alex was zoning out watching Corpse Bride on the TV.

“Is Alex and Lill here?”

I quickly rushed to answer, “Yeah were both here, hey Quinn, come inside.”

“So this is your place huh?”

“Well it’s my buddy’s place, right now Alex, James and I are living with him.”

“Ahh so this is James, the one who played Russian roulette at my brother Nathans party.”
He patted James’s shoulder before coming in. I shut the door behind him; he went and stood by Alex who was still watching Corpse Bride on her belly in the living room. “Good movie, see you got new clothes,” he smiled, “time to go though girls.” He looked at me now.

“Alright, come-on Alex.” I watched as Alex led Quinn out of the house.

“Where are you going?” James looked at me puzzled.

“We will be home by the time Christian gets back, please don’t tell him,” I kissed him on the cheek and left him standing in the doorway.

“You know, I know that something isn’t right with this.”

When I got into the car it was basically the same talk except this time we could also have a little fun, he was dropping us off at a party one of his regulars was throwing. He dropped us off without saying much more. Just that he would pick us up at 11:30, and not to forget what we came there to do.

The party was full of people; Alex led me thru the crowd till she stopped in front of a guy with jet black hair, and green eyes.

“Alex my dear, welcome, How are you?”

“I’ve been good, thank you Marcus.”

“This must be your new accompaniment.”

“Yes, this is Lill.”

“Nice to meet you,” he kissed my hand, “why don’t you girls grab yourselves a few drinks
and have some fun, I have a few things to do before we meet.”

“Don’t mind if we do, thank you.”

The building had a Gothic Victorian theme to it; people sat on velvet black chairs drinking and everything imaginable. Manson, Pink Floyd, Linkin Park, Disturbed, and more played from the speakers in the living room. Alex and I took a seat at the bar and watched as Marcus wrapped his arm around a girl that was waiting at the end of the bar, they moved thru the crowd to a black door.

“Who was that? I mean the girl in the little black dress that Marcus walked away with.”

“Probably Heather, Quinn has been going on and on about them dating for a while now, saying how she wants him to get them into the business with Nathan so that Marcus and her can get a share and elope to Cali. But Quinn isn’t that dumb, plus Nathan never really liked Marcus, doesn’t trust him too much. They have been together for about 3 weeks now, there both masochistic, kind of kinky huh?”

“Yeah interesting enough,” I stopped in mid-drink to think about it. “Masochists are people who thrive on physical pain to feed their sexual appetite, right?”

“And in some cases mental abuse as well, bondage too I wouldn’t be surprised if little miss perfect had a slave chain and a whip hidden in her purse.”

I giggled a little bit, learning that much about them exited me, and anyways we might be here on business, but who says business can’t be fun? A half an hour later Marcus and Heather returned for us, we were dancing in the crowd with everyone else, with our 5th drink in our hand. Heather returned to her spot and Marcus walked towards us, Alex broke away and stopped dancing.

“I see you two are enjoying yourselves.”

“I know I am, but are you? You didn’t have that cut on your cheek when you left,” I traced the line of blood starting to appear, and licked it off my finger. He smiled and pulled me to him while we danced, Alex joined as well. Blurred in the mind, Alex and I went to go get our 6th drink, and offered to buy Heather and Marcus one too. They accepted, that’s when I got another look around. Clothes slipped off of bodies sometimes with helping hands, as they touched and entwined, the latter it gets, the more this place gets more like sex. We were taken beyond the black door I believe, at the point I was in, I really couldn’t remember. It lead us into a hallway that was covered in doors on either side, we were taken 3 doors down the hall to another black door. Across the hall another door lay open that lead outside, many people stood out there doing there deals and shooting up Heroin. I watched as a guy got shot in the back of the head for not paying up, my blood ran hot thru my body; I wanted to join the crowd outside.

When we got the door open and stepped inside my mind took over, the walls were painted red and many toys lined the walls, the bed covers were silk lined in satin. But what stood out the most was the Victorian mirror that sat across from the couch.

“Feel free to make yours selves comfortable,” Marcus smiled, “I see you have an interest in what’s held inside this room.”

I blushed and sat down on the couch, laying the bag of Ecstasy on the table, $200 was also sat down.

“All of them are there like he promised.” I set them on the table, Alex sat on the chair.

“Oh I don’t doubt that, too bad that partnership with Nathan will never work out though.”

Marcus came and sat beside me on the couch, taking out the bong that sat under the table; he took a hit and passed it around. Whatever he had placed in it was sprinkled with a white substance, after my hit, the air felt magnetic, but also like time was melting making my skin warm, panic and embarrassment was hidden away beneath it all. Until time slipped, the Victorian mirror showed more than I wanted to see. We were completely vulnerable. I watched only for a moment before realizing what was happening. The door was locked, there were no visible windows, the music was barely audible, and I knew at that moment that no sound would ever get out. He walked to the table and returned with a box; Heather, was watching his movements deviously, her pretty brown hair draped across her shoulders to hide the bruises and hickeys on her neck.

“Would you like to play a game?” He lightly touched my waist as he keeled above me on the couch, smiling at me as he moved my hands above my head, I tried to push him away, but his other hand was pressed to my neck as if to examine it he moved my head to look at the mirror. Alex was watching me with fear as Heather stood beside her, and I was sure that Alex also knew that we were in trouble. alex didn’t say anything as heather pulled out a gun, she couldn’t, and neither could I. I was pinned down and Marcus brought forth the needle, I screamed and tried to pull away but his grip only got tighter. My skirt was twisted from my struggle to get away, and that smile, burned into my flesh.

Alex tried to run at them but fell to her knees, crying, Heather already had a gun to her head. I had a needle in my neck and still all could do was scream as it burned its way thru my system, Alex was told to keep her mouth shut, take the money and leave, Heather would see her out. And I was left alone with Marcus, not even Heather would come back to help me.