Status: Active, Will update as much as possible.

Waking Up In Vegas


I walked into the airport with Shaun and Jack, we've been saving for this trip for a life time.

'Woo were going to Vegas baby' Shaun yells putting his arms around Jack and I and interrupting my thoughts.

'Hush Shaun' Jack says slapping Shaun playfully on the ass.

'Homo!' Shaun screams and runs off with his suitcase laughing, Jack sighs and has a hurt look in his eyes.

'Aww Jacky' I say putting an arm over his shoulders.

'Come on gay boys' Shaun screeches, I roll my eyes.

'Shaun have you taken your medication today?' I ask crossing my arms over my chest.

'No mother' he huffs and searches through his bag for the little container of pills, he finds it and gets one out and swallows it dry.

We go over and check in our bags, then we start heading towards the terminal.

'I'm hungry' Jack whines.

'And we need noms for the plane!' Shaun says excitedly.

'Okay children' I say walking into a store full of crap food, Jack, Shaun and I grab baskets and load them up.

My basket consists of, 2 bottles of water, a magazine, a packet of chips, a packet of lollies and a bar of chocolate.

Jack's basket has, 3 bottles of vitamin water, a box of muesli bars, 2 apples and a magazine, yes Jack is a health nut.

And then there's Shaun's basket which has, 5 energy drinks, 3 packets of lollies, 2 packets of chips, a porn magazine and a block of chocolate, he's hyper enough with out them but who are we to deny him of what he wants?

We pay for our food and then we sit in the terminal, eating and waiting to board the plane.

When we finally get on the plane and Shaun is jumping up and down in his seat, the flight is boring and Jack falls asleep on my shoulder and Shaun is chatting up some girls in front of us who are way to young for him, eventually I fall asleep due to Shaun's endless chatter and flirting.

I wake up to someone blowing in my face, I open my eyes to see Shaun grinning at me.

'What the fuck do you want?' I groan.

'Were here!' he says excitedly. I wake Jack up and then we pile off the plane and go to collect our suitcases.

'The hotel's about a 10 minute walk from here' Jack informs us.

'Then can we go out and get smashed?' Shaun asks excitedly.

'If we have to' I sigh.

We reach the hotel and Jack grabs the room key, we look for the room and we eventually find it on the top floor.

'Wow nice view' Shaun says leaning over the balcony.

We each get our own rooms and I called the one with the attached bathroom while Shaun and Jack have to share.

'Adam are you ready yet?' Shaun screams pounding on the bathroom door, I ignore him and continue to apply my eye liner, I wanna look good for my first night in Vegas, who knows maybe I'll even meet a cute guy?

I eventually step out of the bathroom and when I walk into the living room Jack is sitting at one end of the lounge and Shaun has his head in Jack's lap, I raise an eyebrow at Jack and he just shrugs.

'Come on guys I'm ready' I yell startling Shaun who was nearly asleep, he blushes and gets up.

'Will we need I.D?' Jack asks.

'Yeah' Shaun grabs his wallet and stuffs it in the pocket of his tight jeans, Jack and I grab our wallets and we head out the door.
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So new story, what do you guys think?
<3 Brooke.