Status: Active, Will update as much as possible.

Waking Up In Vegas


We reach the club Shaun has been raving about and get in the line, with in 10 minutes were in the club and already buying drinks, after a few drinks Jack yells.

'I WANNA DANCE' and drags us into the sea of sweaty dancing bodies, then it hit me, are we in a gay club?

'Jack did Shaun bring us to a gay club?' I whisper loudly in his ear.

'Wow, did that just hit you?' he laughs, I nod my head and he shakes his at me, then I see him grab Shaun's hips and start to grind him. I ignore the fact the my best friends are having sex with clothes on and move away from them.

I dance on a part of the floor where I can't see Jack and Shaun, then I feel someone's body press up against mine.

'Hey, I'm Ryan' he purrs in my ear.

'Adam' I grin to myself knowing that I've found myself a fuck for tonight, I grind him harder and he moans in my ear.

'Can I buy you a drink babe?' he says slapping my ass.

'Sure thing' I palm him through his jeans, he takes my hand and when we reach the bar he tells me I can have anything I want, we get our drinks and I down mine within 2 minutes of having it.

'Come back and dance' I whine and tug at his sleeve.

'Two sec's hun' he says skulling the rest of his drink, I gab his hand and pull him back to the dance floor.

'Has anyone ever told you how sexy you are?' he breathes in my ear whilst grinding me, I just moan in response.

After an hour or two I go in search of Jack and Shaun.

'What do they look like?' Ryan slurred drunkly.

'Never mind that's Jack there' I say pointing at my tall blond haired friend.

We walk over hand in hand to Jack and Shaun.

'Jacky can we leave?' I ask using the name I've called him since grade 3, he stops grinding Shaun.

'Yeah' he shouts over the music, he grabs Shaun's hand and leads us all to the exit.

When we get out Ryan bends down to do up his shoe lace and Jack grabs my arm and pulls me away a little.

'Who the fuck is he?' he whispers drunkly to me.

'I don't, he just started grinding me in the club, his name is Ryan' I giggle think of what we'll get up to later.

'I heard my name' he grins and walks up behind me and slips his hand down my pants.

'Y-yeah' I moan.

'Adam baby I want you' he says wrapping his hand around my hard dick, I moan.

'Guys can you cut it out were in the middle of Vegas' Jack slaps me across the back of the head.

'I'm gunna make you feel so good' I whisper seductively into Ryan's ear.

'I can't wait' he says licking the shell of my ear.

We walk through the streets of Vegas screaming things at people who dare look at us until we reach the hotel.

As soon as we go into the hotel Ryan grabbed my hand.

'Take me to your room' he pleaded.

I took Ryan into my room and as soon as I shut the door he slammed me down on the bed, we made-out for a while and then I felt his phone buzzing in his pocket.

'I have to get that' he says pulling away and answering his phone.

'Hello' he says, clearly annoyed at being interrupted.

'Babe, relax I'll be home when you wake up, I promise' I sigh, he has a boyfriend/girlfriend, how could someone as hot as him not be in a relationship.

'Kayden, babe please don't get angry, you know I'd never cheat on you' What a fucking liar, he's about to fuck me.

'Yep, I love you too, bye' He hangs up.

'Sorry about that, now where were we?' he grins and crawls on top of me.
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Second update today :D
<3 Brooke.