Status: Active, Will update as much as possible.

Waking Up In Vegas

Let's Dance

'Adam it's time to wake up' Jack says shaking my shoulder, he makes sure I'm awake before he leaves the room.

I get up lazily and pick out some clothes before going into the bathroom to put on some make-up, I make sure my eyeliner is perfect then I get dressed.

'You guys ready?' I ask loudly and interrupt there make-out session, Shaun glares at me.

'Yeah, I guess so' he gets off Jack's lap and we make our way to the door.

'Where we headin' tonight boys?' I say excitedly hoping it's another gay club.

'Not sure, we'll find out when we get there' Jack yawns.

We walk about 2 blocks and Shaun steps into a line of people, I look around me and notice the cue is full of men, just the way I like it.

'See anything you like?' Jack asks simply.

'Yeah' I say excitedly and point when I spot a blonde haired boy a few people in front of us.

'Ahh yeah' Jack nods and the line moves forward, the line keeps moving until we get to the front, the guy checks our I. D's and lets us in.

As I drink and make my way to the dance floor an arm snakes around my waist, I turn to look at who it is and it's none other than Ryan.

'H-hey Ryan' I say nervously and stop.

'I'm sorry about Kayden' he slurs, wow he's really drunk but so am I.

'Umm it's okay' I giggle for no reason, Ryan leans in until his lips are touching mine and I respond by kissing him back.

'Let's dance' he grins and grabs my hand as we continue towards the dance floor.

As soon as were in the crowd of people Ryan places his hands on my hips and immediately starts to grind me. I get hard pretty quickly and then Ryan shoves his hand down my pants and slowly begins to pump me.

'F-fuck, Ryan n-not here' I groan in pleasure.

'Why not baby?' he grins evilly.

'I don't wanna smell like sex' I moan.

'Okay' he says pulling his hand out of my pants.

I grab his hand and drag him through the people looking for Shaun and Jack, I need to get back to the hotel and quick I know Ryan has a boyfriend who will rearrange my face but I really need him right now. I spot Shaun and Jack who are groping each other desperately.

'We need to go now' I say grabbing hold of Jack's jumper sleeve and prying the two apart.

'Whhhyyy?' Shaun whines I jerk my head towards Ryan who's hand I'm still holding.

'Duuuuudddeeee his boyfriend will kill you' Jack laughs, but in my drunken, horny state I couldn't really give a fuck.

'I don't care' I say as we step out of the club. We get half a block away from the club and my legs start hurting.

'Can I have a piggy back?' I beg Ryan, he giggles.

'Sure babe hop on' he stops and I jump on his back.

'Wow your light' he comments.

Where now about half a block away and Ryan tells me his back is hurting and he puts me down.

'Fuuucckkk where's the room key?' Jack yells as he searches all his pockets.

'In your hand dip shit' Shaun laughs and Jack pouts and un-locks the door.

Ryan and I enter my room and I start to take off my clothes, if I wasn't so drunk believe me I wouldn't be in such a rush.

'Don't worry I left my phone at home this time' Ryan laughs, I turn around and he's fully naked and my eyes nearly pop out of my head.

'You have a nice body' he steps forward 'and this looks hot' he pokes my lip piercing, I just grin and push him on the bed.

'Someone's in a hurry' he says getting into position.

'Well it's your fault' I poke my tounge out at him and crawl onto the bed so that I'm in between his legs.

'Ready?' I ask, he just nods.

I push my length into him slowly and I see the pained expression on his face.

'Your big' he says squeezing his eyes shut.

'Your not to bad yourself' I say running a finger up his shaft.

'Okay I'm ready' he smiles at me.

I slowly pull nearly all the way out and then push in with a bit of force and he moans loudly, looks like I found his prostate first shot.

'Holy fuck' I moan quietly and my eyes roll into the back of my head, I haven't had a fuck for a long time.

With every thrust I make his moans get louder and I get faster.

'So close' I moan and grab hold of his dick and begin pumping him.

After a few more thrusts I cum and scream his name and not long after he cums and screams my name. I pull out and lay on the bed next to him.

'You know your a really good fuck' I say and kiss him sweetly on the cheek and I fall asleep not long after.
♠ ♠ ♠
So I know I haven't updated for a while.
Oooh what will happen when Kayden finds out?
<3 Brooke.