‹ Prequel: Fall From Grace
Status: The End.

Memories Be Out All Night


Almost a week had passed since I left the hospital and things just weren’t getting any better. I tried going to the beach, shopping with Violet, meeting up with some old friends, adopting a dog from the shelter, and even changing the color of my hair from a darker shade of blonde to a more sunny one.

I did everything you could do after a “break up” but I still didn’t’ feel any better.

Currently, I was staring off into space with Cassie, the yellow lab – german shepard mix I rescued from the shelter, laying beside me. Things were just so fucked up in my head, I couldn’t even explain to you what was going on.

“Haddie,” Violet called from the other side of the couch we were sharing, “You’re really quiet tonight.”

“Just watching the movie,” I lied as the part in 27 Dresses came on where the guy gives her the phone and says she can start her life all over again fresh and clean.

Somehow, I felt like that scene related to my life in the strangest way. It’s like, once I got out of the hospital, I was fresh and brand new. I could start all over. The only thing holding me back was that my heart was settled on someone I never knew if I could really have.

And when your heart and your mind are duking it out against each other, it’s a little hard to focus on the rest of the world.


Brian was definitely right. All I needed to get over Hayden was a night in Las Vegas.

Strippers + Booze + Rock N Roll = A good night to forget it all.

And speaking of strippers, I met a girl up there who was very attractive and we just hit it off. Her name was Leslie and she was wonderful, if you know what I mean.

The only problem with her was that she was no Hayden, and that’s who I really wanted.


Violet stretched her arms up above her head and yawned loudly as the credits scrolled on the screen.

“Wanna go get some mcnuggets?” She asked looking in my direction.
“Those actually sound really good right now,” I chuckled, tapping Cassie on the side to let her know I needed to move. Lazily she picked her head off my feet and let up stand up from the couch.

Violet and I did a quick five minute change into a pair of sweats and a hoodie, throwing our hair in to some sort of messy ponytail and grabbed our purses.

“To Mickey D’s!” She shouted and unlocked her car.

We arrived and ordered our food, claiming a table in the kiddie playground and sitting down. I have no clue why we still ate in there, but it was like a ritual for every time we went to McDonalds.

I was off in my own world, mesmerized by the colorful slides and tubes that were probably covered in god who knows what, when Violet threw a fry at my cheek. I swung my head back in her direction and gave her a dirty look.

“Well I had to get your attention some how!” She defended, “And calling your name just wasn’t doing it.”

“Sorry,” I mumbled, taking another bite of my mcnuggets.

Violet’s face got serious for a minute, “What’s wrong Hayden?”

“Nothing,” I sighed, ignoring where I knew Violet wanted to take this.

“Hayden Annalise Mullins!”

I stared at her with a smug expression, “What?”

“Are you not telling me something?” She questioned, raising her brow and looking at me with that all knowing face.

“There’s nothing to tell you!” I replied with a smile and a light laugh.

There was so much to tell her……


“Why don’t you just call her?” I asked, poking at Jimmy’s side. He had been staring at Violet’s number in her phone for nearly half an hour now and he didn’t seem like he was going to be dialing it any time soon.

“I can’t,” He said still staring at her name, “What if she doesn’t remember me?”

I sighed, “Jimbo, come on. You make a great impression on a girl and clearly she had a thing for you.”

“You don’t know that,” He snorted.

I raised my brow, “Oh really now? Did I not catch her eyeing you in that hospital?”

He lowered his head, “I guess you’re right.”

“I know I’m right.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Six Flags tomorrow with my best friend! whoo!
I'm excited! and I felt the need to update even
Fucking bitch.