If Morning Never Comes for Either One of Us

A Phrase To Cut These Lips

I looked down at his angelic face; he was always so peaceful when he was asleep.

Nothing caused his forehead to wrinkle in worry, nor his brow to furrow in anger—he always had the smallest ghost of a smile upon his lips.

I’d do anything for the man that lay before; I’d kill if I had to.

I gently caressed the contours of his face; his cheeks, his jaw, his brow, his nose.

He didn’t even know he held my heart in the palm of his hands—he’d never know.

This wasn’t the first time we had fallen asleep like this, he with his head on my chest.

Usually I would wake him up in the most annoying manners; playing with his hair, tickling his nose, breathing in his face—not today.

I glanced out the window, the beginnings of dawn were approaching; the sky was changing hues—noting the soon arrival of the sun.

I held my best friend in my arms; I held my entire world, my life, in my arms.

I’m not sure how he fit, but he did—perfectly.

I ran a hand through his soft locks then brought my fingers down to his lips, touching them tentatively.

I remember the first time we had fallen asleep in each others arms; we were in high school then—a bully was the cause of his break down that night.

I never felt for someone the way I did that day; feeling every emotion he did as he told me the events of that day—I cried as he cried.

A bully was the cause this time, in the form of his older brother—some petty argument.

I think it had to deal with me, I wasn’t sure.

I never listened in on their conversations—that was rude and I could wait till he told me himself.

I glanced down at his face once more; he was so beautiful, I have no idea how he didn’t see it.

I sent a look towards his alarm clock, perched on the corner of his dresser—I had to go.

I gently pulled his arms from around me, and laid him on his side as I climbed out of bed.

I moved a pillow into my previous position—he quickly latched himself around it and continued to sleep as I placed a gently kiss on his forehead.

I gathered my bag, my jacket and turned to give him one last look—“I love you.”

I quietly closed his bedroom door and made my way out of his house.

As I sat in the backseat of the taxi I was riding in my mind wandered as my tears fell.

I remembered everything.

I watched as the sun peeked up from the horizon, as others made their way to their busy lives.I wanted to stay.I wanted to go back.

I couldn’t.

I made my way to the terminal; I was alone in this place—in more ways than one.

I was going to ride out of his life again—just like I always do.

I glanced out of my window seat, the sun had fully risen now—he would be waking up soon.

He would search for me like he normally would mornings after those nights.

He would cry when he realized I was gone—his brother told me once.

I hoped he wouldn’t, not this time—I’ve done it enough for him to know by now.

I wish just once, that he would ask me to stay—just once.

Unknown to me he was awake; he had been awake since I had gathered my things.

Unknown to me he felt me kiss his forehead; he had heard me tell him I loved him.

Unknown to me he said those simple words back—“I love you too”.
A/N: I don't own the song, nor C&C, nor MCR.