The Lunitics Lament

Word count: 673

A Lunatic’s Lament

May 19th 2005

Dennis Craig Lee wiped his hands as he looked at the scene in front of him. Blood littered almost everything in the room; the ceiling, the floor, even the poor man’s shirt. He stared at the girl lying lifeless next to the night stand, this was his victim, and this was Annabel. Dennis stared at the frail body avoiding her eyes; he couldn’t stand to look in the eyes that once were filled with life. Sorrow filled Dennis’s body causing him to look away over to the picture of Annabel. He took in all of the girls features. Her long strawberry blonde hair held loose curls; freckles littered her cheeks as her blue eyes were filled with joy and life. Dennis didn’t recognize the man standing beside her.

Why’d you do it Den?

The girl asked appearing in front of him, rage consumed his body.

“This wasn’t my fault” Dennis screamed, she made him do it, this was all her fault. Dennis then ran for the door traveling toward the one place he always went when things blew up in his face.

Dennis! Stop this madness and tell me why!

“Shut up, Shut up, Shut up!”Dennis yelled stopping to pull at his hair “I had to do it! You made me!” He turned and sprinted toward the middle of town, to the place he so desperately needed. This ghost like figure followed Dennis no matter how fast he ran. He had no clue what he was doing someone was bound to call the cops; the man was a bloody wreck. Dried blood crusted on his face, his white button down shirt was now stained with the dark red substance created by the crime committed minutes ago.
Dennis why are you running from me? Are you afraid?

Annabel’s voice rang inside Dennis’s head, half way to his destination he stopped dead in his tracks. He needed to confront the voice he dreadfully wanted to rid himself of.

“What do you want from me?”Dennis screamed, from any one of the by standers this man would have looked crazy, screaming at the non-existent form in front of him, dry blood crusting over his shaking form.
I want to know Dennis, why’d you have to take my life?

Annabel’s voice seemed to be repeating the same question over and over again. Dennis pulled at his hair, this girl was taking the last bit of sanity the poor man had.

“You made me do it, this is your entire fault, you pushed me over the edge I hate you!”Dennis yelled at the vacant space in front of him.

“Excuse me sir are you alright?” A woman asked as she walked closer to him, when she got close enough she began to scream running away. Dennis turned to Annabel, glaring one last time then started towards his destination once again.
Stop running from this Dennis, that lady is bound to call the cops

Annabel was explaining the obvious, this was everything he already knew.

“Will you just leave me alone, I already got rid of you just go away!”Dennis screamed, he was not in the right state of mind to speak to the girl standing in front of him.

“Just leave me alone please.” Dennis began to repeat the same sentence over and over again as he finally reached his safe haven, the park.

“Just leave me alone please.”Dennis repeated again as a bright light blurred his vision, he fell into unconsciousness.
June 2nd 2005

“That’s how I did it that’s how I killed the girl I love” Dennis mumbled looking at the orange jump suit that clung to his knees. He walked behind the wooden table and waited for jury’s verdict.

Dennis Craig Lee was sentenced to death row, for killing Annabel Lee. The women he once called his wife. No one knows why this man committed such a horrible crime, not even the man himself. The conclusion investigators came to was this man, Dennis lee was criminally insane.
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Woah that was the first murder-ish kinda thing i have ever done and i have to say i think it its awesome!!!! Whoop Whoop