Status: Completed

Are You Feelin' Me

Is it killing you, like it's killing me?

It was the third time that week Trevor had laid awake staring at the blank white ceiling. A new girl laying in bed beside him, wrapped up in the cotton sheets at the Marriott Hotel, where he lived during the season. The Marriott was just a few feet from the Nassau Coliseum where the Islanders played their home hockey games. This girl was like all the others, He didn't care about her at all, he didn't even remember her name. Soon he would do what he did with all the others, make her leave and never talk to her again. Laying there thinking to himself, he started to see a pattern in the girls he brought home, they all had dirty blonde hair about shoulder length, and blue eyes. He was trying to replace her and he knew he never could, and in all honesty he didn't want too. He just wanted her forever and always, and boy had he screwed that up.

*Flash Back*

The sun was spewing rays of light, hotter than ever. It had to be at least 100 degrees in long Island, NY. Trevor began his day as he normally would, getting out of bed the latest he possibly could, throwing on some casual clothes, a pair of grey sweatpants and a t-shirt. He then met his teammate Matt Moulson in the diner, located in the lobby of the Marriott. They sat in their usual table and got their usual breakfast that consisted of the all you can eat buffet and Apple Juice. It was a game day, and the Penguins were in town, no surprise there were a ton of their fans staying at the Marriott. They had some very dedicated fans, two that stood out in particular, at the diner. There were two girls in Penguins shirts, sitting in the table diagonal from the guys. They were laughing, having a lively conversation, and just loving life. The one girl had a radiant smile and Trevor couldn't help but notice, he shouldn't even be looking she was the enemy, at least today she was. He couldn't help it though it was like he was drawn to her. He finished his meal, and in order to leave the restaurant he had to pass the girls, making eye contact with the dirty blonde, with an amazing smile, she giggled, making him smile. The time came for him to walk the short distance to the Coliseum, exiting the Marriott through the back doors he ran into a few Islanders fans, wanting Pictures and autographs. He then spotted a familiar face, it was the girl from the diner, she was walking toward him, causing him to sweat profusely.

"Can I get a Picture?" The girl asked smiling from ear to ear, her teeth shining as the sun glistened down from the sky.

"Sure" was all Trevor could say, wrapping his arm around her for the picture. She was a petite girl only 5'3, standing next to Trevor was like standing next to a sky scraper, his 6'3 figure stood tall.

"Thank you so much, and have a great game." She said walking to where she was previously standing. He continued walking to the Coliseum, after signing and taking pictures with everyone that asked. In his mind he began to scold himself, wondering why he had just let her go and not say anything. Nearing his destination he dug in his pockets looking for his ID. But instead of finding his ID he found a nicely folded piece of paper that he hadn't seen before. Opening it he saw in a fancy cursive writing a phone number and the words, "Call Me" Signed with Ashlyne. She must have slipped it into his pocket when he got a picture with her. A huge grin spread across his face, refolding the paper the way it had been before, and slipping back in his pocket. He couldn't wait for the game to be over so he could call her. As the time expired in the third period he made his way off the ice quickly, he was the first one in the locker room. He changed and got a quick shower all in the short time of a half an hour. He finished his last few things, which included putting on his hat, grabbing his bag and saying good bye to all the guys. When he made it to his room he picked up his phone, taping in the 10 digits written on that piece of paper in his hand.

It rang a few times when a girl picked up. "Hello" Her voice was a little raspy like she had been yelling at a concert or sporting event of some sort.

"Ashlyne? This Is Trevor Gilles." He said a little uncertain of if he had dialed the right number.

"Trevor! You played a good game tonight." she said enthusiastically, he could tell she was smiling even though he could only hear her voice.

"Thanks, it was a fun game. I know this is kind of forward but would you want to maybe meet up for a beer?" He asked shyly, you really didn't want to be turned down, his chances were good, considering she gave him her number, she was obviously into him.

"Like on a date?" She asked him, confused a bit by the question. She wasn't sure if it was a date or just to hang out as friends.

"Yes" He stated simply very nervous, as he waited patiently for her response, seconds had passed but she hadn't answered.

Slowly but surely she replied "I'd love to." Her voice rang through the phone, and he instantly had butterflies in his stomach.

*End Flashback*

Ashlyne was laying in her cold bed, with a guy she had been seeing for a few months. He was really a great guy, a gentleman. But he wasn't who she wanted beside her. As he planted a kiss on her lips she couldn't help but wish it was Trevor that was kissing her. And when he told her he loved her, and she said it back she didn't really mean it, she imagined it to be Trevor saying those words to her. Still after the incident at the bar she wanted him and no one else, he had her heart and she wasn't getting it back any time soon.


Ever since Trevor and Ashlyne's first date they were inseparable. Dates constantly, her at every game she could make it too, and she was even living with him, she had moved from her home in Pittsburgh to be with him. To their friends and his teammates they were a match made in heaven. It was their usual routine all over again on that Friday night, they would walk from the Coliseum to the Marriott, change and go to the bar located next to the diner where they first laid eyes on each other. They would have a few beers, eat some hot wings and hang out with some of the team, as well as some fans. This night hadn't started out how they planned and certainly wouldn't end how they planned. They were sitting at their usual table eating some wings and having a good time when a girl with long blonde hair, an Islanders t-shirt, jeans and a pair of pumps made her way to them. She looked like a girl that was full of herself, wanted all the attention to be on her. She didn't say anything when she made it to the table. A few moments passed and she finally began to speak. The words escaping her mouth made Ashlyne's heart drop. She didn't understand, was any of it true. The words she distinctly remembered were "The other night was fun, we should do it again sometime." The girl winked walking away, swaying her hips, as she tried her hardest to be sexy. That night in their hotel room they fought, the whole floor could hear them fighting. They heard yelling and crying and finally they heard the door open and slam shut. That was it. She barley let him explain it all. If she would have let him, she would have know that nothing had happened with him and that girl and that she had mistaken him for his teammate.

*End Flashback*

Trevor rolled over looking at the girl sleeping peacefully. He hated to wake her, but she couldn't stay she had to leave.

"Hey, wake up" He said shaking her a bit gently trying to wake her up. She groaned a bit as she slowly moved around a bit, barley opening her eyes.

"You have to go now." Trevor said standing up slipping on a pair of blue sweatpants with the Islanders symbol on them.

"Are you serious?" She asked with an attitude, like she couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"Uh yeah" He spat back with just as much attitude as she had given him. With that he left her and walked into the bathroom. While he was in the bathroom she had gotten up and ready to leave, opening the door to leave there was a girl with dirty blonde, hair about shoulder length and blue eyes, standing there. She just walked right past her not even caring. The girl caught the door before it shut, quietly sneaking into the room and shutting the door silently. Walking past the bathroom she could hear the shower stop. She made her way to the bed, slipping out of everything but her bra and underwear, climbing into the warm cotton sheets of the Marriott Hotel. It felt like she had only been laying in that bed for a few seconds before she heard the bathroom door open. The room was pitch black as he walked out of the bathroom.

"I thought I told you to leave, do i have to add that I'm not over someone else." He said turning on the lamp across the room. She sat up from her place in the bed and smiled at him nervously, she wasn't sure how he was going to react.

"Ashlyne, what are you doing here?" He said surprised, that was the last thing he was expecting, he didn't think that she wanted anything to do with him at all, but here she was in his hotel room in his bed.

"Trevor, I'm so sorry about how we ending things, I'm sorry I didn't listen to what you had to say. I should have." She said sitting up on the bed, moving a piece of hair out of her face.

"All I have to say about that is, Nothing happened with that girl, it was a mistake she thought i was one of the other guys on the team, shows how well she pays attention." He sat down on the bed in front of her and grabbed her hand.

"I trust you, I know it took me a while to realize that, but I trust that that wont happen and I love you, i was a mess without you." She said turning away as a tear rolled down her cheek.

"Look at me." She turned her head slowly looking him in the eyes. With his free hand he wiped the tear from her cheek. "Please Don't cry." he said kissing her hand softly.

"I just know I screwed everything up." She said as they tears continued to fall from her blue eyes down her cheeks.

"Baby, I don't wanna go back to being just one half of the equation. You understand what I'm sayin'?" He asked pulling her closer to him. "Without you I am lost, Between me and love, you're the common denominator." He gently placed his lips on her's, and everything felt right.

"Are you feelin me?" Where the last words, that escaped his lips before they fell back into the bed, getting tangled up together in the sheets.
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Hope you like it (: