
Chapter 10

"Did you get an invitation?" Lindsey asked

"Invitation for what?" I asked

"The award ceremony!" She informed Kaylyn and I

"What are you talking about?" Kaylyn asked

"There is going to be an award ceremony here for the tenth graders and only a certain amount of people are invited. You get like a special invitation in your social studies class, if you are nominated to receive at least one award." Lindsey explained

"But Manuella and I don't have our social studies class until after lunch." Kaylyn reminded her

"That's right. Sorry I forgot, I was just so excited because I got an invitation first period." Lindsey said

"Congrats! Hopefully we will see you there." I said

"I wouldn't be surprised if I did." Lindsey said positively

"When is it?" Kaylyn asked

"Like a week before the last day of school, I'm not sure exactly but it says on the invitation." Lindsey said

"Okay, I will be sure to check if I get it." Kaylyn said


The bell rang meaning my social studies class had started. My teacher, Ms. Blakslee, first gave us our assignment for the day, then started to hand back graded homework assignments that we had to turn in, in the past. I would always look at them to check my grade and see what I got wrong, if I got any wrong but this time I didn't care for some reason, I just put them into my folder, not thinking about what I was doing.

For the rest of the class, I did my work. Well, I tried to do my work. I couldn't help but think that I didn't get one or that I did get one and Ms. Blakslee decided not to give them out. Maybe she thought that none of us deserved it. Maybe she didn't know about the ceremony yet. Maybe....Maybe I'm just overreacting. At the end of class, Ms. Blakslee said she had to talk to us.

"I'm very surprised at your test scores from the previous week. This class usually does the best compared to my other classes. It seems that last week you decided that it was the end of the year so I don't have to bother to work hard. If you are one of those to think that then let me tell you something. The next three weeks are probably going to be the most difficult so I suggest you wake up and get back on track."

Most of the class didn't ever bother to listen to these speeches that she would give at least once a week about how important working hard and studying is. They would just look around the room drifting off into space and they made it pretty obvious whether they were paying attention or not.

After a long pause, Blakslee continued.

"Also I have the invitations to the award ceremony and I'm not so sure if I should give them out or not." When she said this the whole class put their daydreams to a stop and focused their attention on her.

"But I know most of you are very anxious to see if you got invited or not. So here we go." She grabbed three sheets of paper off the desk behind her. "These three people are excellent students and they were invited to be recognized for all their hard work through out the entire year."

The whole class was quiet silently hoping they were one of them. "These people are Anna." She walked over to Anna and handed her the invitation. "Michael" She did the same for Michael as Anna. "And last but not least --" Ms. Blakslee got cut off by the bell that meant the class was now over. Not one person dared to move a muscle until she announce the final name. "Manuella."