
Chapter 12

The next day at school, everyone was talking about what happened to that girl. I wasn't too surprised though because somehow someone always found out even if no one was around when it happened.

Sadly the truth wasn't being told. Throughout the day, I heard several different rumors. All of them being really crazy or stupid. I couldn't believe that people would actually believe some of this stuff. Is it that hard to believe that someone can just trip and broke an ankle? Or do some people really have no life to start something like that?

The first story I heard was she was walking home and took a special shortcut and someone or something jumped out at her. Then she tried running away but then the person or thing caught her breaking her ankle so she couldn't run anymore. But she screamed so long that someone (me) ran over to save her which made the killer run. This story is so crazy for two reason, first because we live in a small, quiet town and things like that very rarely happen around here. The second reason is what shortcut could she take? Our school is surrounded by lots of treeless lands so even if the person was a mile away you could see them.

Another story I heard was she got ran over by a car. Which could happen but we do have crossing guards in front of the school. It's not like you have to cross a busy highway to get across the street.

The final story I heard (and there could be more for all I know) was she purposely did it just to get more attention. I think this one is the stupidest of all. Why on earth would someone with a real brain do that? Not only that but you could tell that she's a little bit on the quiet side. When I was trying to comfort her as I was helping to get to the nurse, she would barely even talk. At most I would get like a nod from her.

So the day went by pretty quickly with all the rumors. I didn't think that she came to school today because when I broke my arm I had to first get the hang of things and didn't go back to school for a day or two.

What got me worried was when I was called to the office during lunch. I walked up to the front desk and when the lady saw me she hold me that the nurse was in her office. I headed over there thinking what the nurse wanted with me? Maybe just to yell at me a little more because yesterday just wasn't enough.

"Oh Manuella. Please sit down." I did as she said very cautiously. "I thought about when you said yesterday and I'm sorry. You're right I should have been more understanding about the situation. I do know what's like to break something and again you're right, it's not fun."

I sat there shocked. Was this really happening? Never in my life would I ever think that she of all people would apologize to me.

"Uh..thanks." I said dumbfounded

"It was no problem. You may go back to your lunch now." She said

I got up from my seat and walked back to the lunchroom. I couldn't believe it. I have probably already said this like a hundred times but I couldn't care less at the moment. She apologized to me? Wow this day really is...unbelievable.