
Chapter 13

As the next week went by I noticed that Annabelle seemed really happy, happier than usual. At first I thought it was something at she would quickly get over like an A on a test but after a few days that thought began to fade. I wanted to ask her but I barely ever get a chance to talk to her during school. So after school I waited for her outside of her last class. She seemed very surprised but happy to see me.

"Hi Manuella!" Annabelle said loudly. She quickly got embarrassed knowing that she said that too loud and now a lot of people were staring.

"Hi" I said practically in a whisper

"So what brings you to my class today?"

"Nothing to big I just wanted to talk to you."

"Oh that reminds me I want you to meet someone!"

"Okay who?"

"This guy"

I smiled "Alright, when and where?"

"Um.. he doesn't go to this school but we can always meet up tonight or tomorrow."

"Okay, call me and tell me the plan, later"

"I will see you then." Annabelle said walking off to the front of the school

As I was walking down the hall, I saw that girl that broke her ankle. She was on cruches and had a friend with her to help just in case something happened. I heard she came back to school a few days ago but I haven't seen her until now. She looked up at me and smiled. I smiled back at her. I was glad she was going to be okay. But the only thing I would worry about is gong through the halls because some people could "accidently" hit her and make her fall over. Sadly, we do have people in this world (and school) who would do somehting like that.