
Chapter 15

"And then he hugged me telling me-" As Annabelle went on about something that happened with her and Anthony I started to think. If she only knew the truth, If only she knew who he really was to me and how I felt about about this. She had no idea. She called me when she got home from the coffee shop, telling me about everything. "Is that so sweet?" I snapped out of my daydreaming as she said this.

"Yeah the sweetest" I said sadly, I should be the one talking about this not Annabelle. I really thought Anthony and I were suppose to be meant to be.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

"Couldn't be happier."

"I'm serious! tell me what's bothering you!"

"Nothing is bothering me. I'm fine, really."

"Manuella, when you're ready you can tell me. You know I'm always here for you and would do anything yo make you happy."

"I know thanks but I really am fine."

"Fine. Oh and guess what else happened." As Annabelle started to talk about Athony again.


"When you ran out, Anthony had to sadest expression you would ever see on a persons face. He was about to run after you but I told him that you would be okay."

"Really?!" I had the biggest smile on my face but then I reminded myself that I was over him and he was Annabelle's now. That's what I get for waiting for him.


"Annabelle, can I ask you something?"

"Of course."

"How did you meet Anthony in the first place?"

"Remember when we saw Anthony at the mall that Sunday? Well I got a little lost on my way to that new store. So I saw him while looking for it and went to ask him. We started talking and then things just fell into place."

"But I told you he-"

"Was just a friend. So I took my chance."

My eyes started to water again. We didn't say anything for a while so eventually I told her I had to go and hung up. This was all my fault. I was so stupid to think that she wouldn't go after him when we saw him. I wanted to hit myself as my punchment but I knew that wouldn't solve anything so I decided not to. Even though I was tryingt o forget him I couldn't help but miss him.

I needed to go to the library so badly. But tomorrow was Saturday and I definiatly wasn't going to meet him. I knew he would be there so I couldn't go. I knew If I saw him I would break down to tears. I wanted to talk to him about this and actually tell him how I feel but I wasn't ready to. Not yet.