
Chapter 16

The weeks went by with Anthony constantly on my mind. I still couldn't get him out of my head. It felt like he was forever glued to my brain. I really was missing the library, I almost risked it a few times but then chickened out at the last possible moment.

It has now been three weeks and I am about to break. I need something to read besides my old baby books. I am so desperate I even went that far. All I need to do is quickly run in (literally), grab the first few interesting books I see, check them out, and run back out. Sadly it's not that easy. First of all, you can't be caught running in a library. Second, It always takes me forever to decide. I mean they all look so interesting! Third, for all I know there could be a huge line to check out because I have such bad timing whenever I'm in a hurry. I would also have to pass by the area where Anthony and I use to talk on our Saturdays. I knew that Anthony wanted to talk to me and would the first chance he got.

Today I was going to take my chance, after weeks of planing I was finally going to make my quick trip but those plans fell apart when my mother reminded me that I had to go with her to pick my father from the airport. It has been a long time since I have seen my dad. He has been in Chicago all this time. He was suppose to come back a while ago but his boss kept on felling him one more week, one more week over and over again. So now he is finally coming home.


My father never seemed happier to get home or to see us. It was good to have him back. I think he noticed that I haven't really been myself lately. It was almost like he could see right through me. Even though I put a smile on my face for him he could see how I was really feeling deep down inside. He kept asking me constantly if I was okay or If there was anything I wanted to talk about. We have always been close for as long as I could remember. He understood me more than my mother as weird as that sounds. Like it's a lot easier to talk to him than to my mother about somethings.

Later that night after we got home my mother told me that she would take me to the library the next day which I was fine with. The award ceremony is in a few days so I'm excited and nervous at the same time. I can't believe time is going by so fast, it feels like I just got the invitation yesterday. The tenth grade was fun but I still have a lot to look forward to next year.
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Sorry this chapter was so boring. Hopefully the next one will be better. Anyway you probably haven't noticed but I changed my username. So it's still the same person writing the story :)