
Chapter 18

Tonight is the award ceremony. The day started out like any normal one. I woke up from the sound of the most annoying alarm clock ever, got dressed, went to school, came home, did my homework, and then things started to change. I had to get ready for the ceremony meaning I had to put on the dress that my mom bought me and thought that I looked absolutely gorgeous in. That was the part I dreaded the most.

When I was ready I came downstairs where my parents had smiles plastered to their faces and unsurprisingly a camera in my mothers hands. She took about a million photos of me even though she knew I never liked getting my picture taken. My sister, Lucy was dressed nice for me, but I think my parents made her.

We all got to the ceremony right before it started. The place was so full that we had to stand in the back with a lot of other parents and students. Kaylyn came up to me as the ceremony started so we spent the whole ceremony next to each other.

Everyone cheered for there friends and family as someone got called up the stage to receive their award. Once they were finished with the academic excellence in each subject they started to announce the 'special' awards. They were named after teachers and other important people.

"The Faler award will be presented by Mrs. Anna Vogal." The Principal announced

Mrs.Vogal walked up to the podium while a smile on her face. "This award was named after Mr. Bob Faler. He was a great teacher. All of his students loved his class and he showed how fun as important learning can be. Sadly last year he died in a car accident and is extremely missed. This award goes to a young lady that is just as passionate about learning as Mr. Faler was. This deserves this award more than anyone else here and that girl is Maria Sanchez." Maria was really surprised, she went up there ecstatic as can be. The crowd went wild for her.

As microphone was now passed on to another teacher and they went on with the awards. The last one of the night my science had come up to present to award. So I was happy to hear what she had to say.

"This award is a very special award. This student has worked hard all year long, coming in everyday with a smile on her face that put a smile on other's faces. She's very responsible and a wonderful person. She is nice to everyone and very welcoming to new students that arrive at our school. Every teacher agrees that there is no better student to present this to other than Manuella Beck." The crowd cheered louder than ever before. I could believe it. Me? Is this a mistake? Kaylyn gave me a little push up there to get me out of my state of awe.


"I told you I would come!" Saige said

"Yeah but you didn't have to." I said

"Trust me. I had to."

"What do you mean?"


"What did you do?"

"Nothing bad.."

"Saige." I said waiting for her to tell me

"Okay I may have mentioned your name to your science teacher."

"Saige! How could you do that?"

"Manuella I swear she said she was having a tough time picking a student for the award so I reminded her about you and when I did her face brighten up. She chose you. I just mentioned your name."

"Thank you" I wrapped her into a big hug.

"Hey you gave me something that I could never thank you enough for." Saige said

"What's that?"

"The gift of friendship."

"Well you did the same for me. Besides without you I would have never receieved this award."

"No Manuella. That's not true. Everything you did to deserve this award was all you. They reckonized you for you." Saige said "Don't you see? The amazing person you want to be has been inside of you all this time. You just couldn't see it. I did this so you could finally believe that about yourself."

I took a moment to think about this.

"Everything you have told me about Annabelle and how you think she is so much prettier and everything. Well to me you are so much better than her. I met her and she isn't as near as the person you are. She is pretty and nice but not like you. I tell you this from a friend to true friend."

"No. A true friend to a true friend. Any person in the entire world would be luck enough to be your friend."

"Right back at you!"

Saige is right. I have been the person I have been wanting to be all this time. Maybe that's what Anthony has been trying to tell me. That I can be better than any of those other girls.