
Chapter 19

Another Saturday is here. I figured I would call Annabelle to see if she wanted to do anything. I picked up the phone and dialed her number. It rang for a while but finally on the last one she answered.



"Hi, are you okay?"

"Yeah, why?"

"No reason"

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?"

"I don't know." I answered

"So are you doing anything tonight?"

"No I was actually going to ask you that. Are you?"

"Just staying home and chilling out."

"Really? That's a first for you."

"I know. But I don't have anything else to do."

"Why don't you hang out with Anthony, tonight?"

"He said he had something to do tonight and..."


"We broke up anyway." Annabelle said not very caring


"We weren't right for each other."

"What do you mean?"

"He just wasn't really for me." Annabelle said

After a moment of silence, Annabelle continued. "I think you two would make a good couple. Better than him and I. I think you would really get along well.If I were you I would go after him but it's your decision."

He must have told her. How could she suddenly break up with him and then say something like that. She probably said that knowing that is what I really wanted. I'm so upset right now. I thought I could trust him. He said he wouldn't and if he really cared about me he wouldn't have told her.


After getting off the phone with Annabelle, I started to think about what she said. Maybe she was right. Maybe she wasn't. I'm starting to get a little tired of this though. I wish something would happen already before my head explodes from thinking about it for too long.

Since I have nothing to do I guess I will just spend my Saturday night reading. You might find that extremely boring but I don't mind. I like the book that I'm currently reading. It tells you about how much a true-

There was a sudden noise that repeatedly came from the window. At first I ignored it but now It's been going on for what feels like forever. I walked over to my window to check if I could see anything. There was a person looking back at me and I realized it was obviously Anthony. He signaled me to come out. I walked away from the window grabbing a pair of shoes. When I left my room I realized who I was about to go outside to meet. I ran back into my room, fixing my hair and making sure I looked presentable. When I was done I walked outside, around the side of the house where my window is.