
Chapter 2

Annabelle and I have been best friends since the third grade. When we were in elementary school everyone wanted to be her friend, never mine. Most people asked why she even bothered to be my friend. Unlike everyone else she stuck by me, always being my friend. People just thought i was some kind of loser and didn't even want to give me a chance. When I finally got to middle school, I met some people who would actually befriend me and they still do to this day.

Now as tenth graders, Annabelle and I started to hang out with different people but still kept our friendship strong. She's usually seen with Maryellen, Veronica, and Alonna. While Kaylyn, Lindsey, and I are usually together.

We are so different but alike. It may sound complicated but it's not. We have different taste in who our friends are, what we wear, how we would spend the best day ever but love having a great time, making friends, creating the best memories and going to the beach. Obviously there are a lot more similarities and differences between us but that's what I just got off the top of my head.

I have always thought that she was flawless. Even though perfection doesn't exist, she's pretty close to it. Well, in my opinion, she is. Sometimes I wish I were her instead of myself. Kaylyn gets mad at me whenever she hears me talk about this. Reminding me that I'm just as beautiful as she is (yeah, right!).

An uncountable amount of guys go after her, some she doesn't even know. Guys barely ever talk to me. I mean I do have friends that are guys but we don't talk to much. They don't make an effort to hang around me like they do with Annabelle.

As I was thinking all of this through, I was in the car with my mother as she drove me to the library. I looked out of the window, watching all the people and buildings pass by us as they appeared into the rear view mirror and then disappeared into the distance.

Before I knew it, I was at the library. I told my mother to come back to pick me up in an hour. I watched as she drove off for a minute before heading toward the entrance. I walked into the cold, air-conditioned building. Part of me, wished that Annabelle had come with me this time, despite the fact she wasn't much of a bookworm and that the only time you ever saw her reading one was for a project.

Hopefully, one day she will understand how powerful reading can be. I find it far more better than watching the movie. But I can't and I won't force her to love it. Everyone's different and I respect her opinion.

After about five minutes of trying to locate the book I was looking for without any luck I couldn't find it. So I decided to ask one of the librarians.

"Excuse me."

"Yes, how may I help you today?"

"I was wondering if you had this book." I said as I handed her a note card with the name of the book and the author

"Well let me check"

She typed a few things in on the computer for a few minutes, shaking her head every once in a while and I could tell it wasn't available right now.

"I'm sorry but both of our copies are checked out. Would you like to place it on hold?" She ask

"Sure, why not" I said as I gave her my library card

After placing it on hold she gave me my library card back and I went back to the shelves to pick out another book for the week to read. Eventually i found one, checked it out, and started to read as I waited for my mother.