
Chapter 3

It was lunch time. The best time of the school day for students and teachers. Also the craziest time too. Every tenth grader is rushing in the same direction to the cafeteria, having the same plan. Buying food as quickly as possible to meet up with their friends at the lunch table you sit at.

On the first day of school, you pick a table to sit at and for the rest of the year that's where you sit with your friends during lunch. So that way you always know where to go and don't have to worry about not finding an empty table. Kaylyn, Lindsey, and I sit at table seven. But Kaylyn and I always get to the table a few minutes before Lindsey does.

"I called you like a million times last night. Why didn't you answer? Getting too busy for me?" Kaylyn asked jokingly

"No" I said smiling, pausing for a moment to think about it "Maybe."

Kaylyn smiled rolling her eyes at me.

The only thing I hated about being in the cafeteria during lunch is that it's so loud. It feels like everyone is trying to talk to you at once. Sometimes I can barely hear what Kaylyn or Lindsey are saying to me, even if we're sitting right next to each other.

Suddenly, Lindsey sat down next to me, making Kaylyn and I both looking up at the same time.

"Do you know what really annoys me?" Lindsey asked

"Well, hi to you too Lindsey." Kaylyn said

"Hi" Lindsey said making it obvious that she had to force it out

"What annoys you?" I asked knowing if I didn't she would just mention it again

"When people take an hour to do something as simple as handing a cashier money!" Lindsey said

"You are so impatient." Kaylyn laughed

"Look who's talking!" Lindsey shot back

Kaylyn got quiet for a minute, making Lindsey and I crank up. A few minutes later I got up to go to the bathroom, telling them I would be right back. When I walked out of the cafeteria, i got very quiet, leaving all the sounds behind.

I saw a girl sitting on a bench, looking down at her feet. Her eyes were red and puff, showing that she had been crying about something. I didn't know who she was but I couldn't help wondering if she was okay or needed help. Without thinking I walked up to her. I stopped in her presents and then she slowly looked up at me.

"Hi" I said

"Hi" she said softly

"Are you okay"

She just shrugged in response looking back down at her feet.

I took a deep breath, not knowing what i should do know. After a moment of silence, I thought about walking away.

"I hope you feel better and um I'll see you around" I said as I turned to walk back to he cafeteria.


I turned back around to face her "Yeah?"

"Is it okay if I talk to you? Not to many people will."

I smiled. "Sure" I walked back toward her and sat down next to her.

"I'm Saige, by the way"

"I'm Manuella"

"You're in tenth grade, right?" Saige asked

"Yeah. Why grade are you in?"

"Ninth" Saige paused for a second "I'm new here and not too many people are willing to give me a chance"

As soon as she said that it reminded me about how i was in elementary school. We had the same problem, no one would give us a chance. I had Annabelle and Saige has to have someone too, at least one person.

"Not even one friend?" I asked

She shook her head, embarrassed. She shouldn't have to go through high school like that. No one deserves that. A life without friends is so hard especially if you had a bunch and then moved away giving saying good bye to all of them. She seems like a really nice person and I didn't want that to happen to her.

"So where are you from?"