
Chapter 5

I woke up Saturday morning remembering about that book I placed on hold last week at the library. This week had gone by so fast that it didn't even feel like Saturday. I felt like I had to get out of bed to get ready for school like it was a weekday but somehow it wasn't. I went downstairs with the smell of pancakes filling my body and carrying me towards the kitchen.

"Good morning, sweetheart" my mother greeted me with a warm smile.

"Morning" I said still half asleep

I made my way over to the table where a big stack of chocolate chip pancakes were sitting waiting for my sister and I to dig into. Although she had already started without me, as I could see.

"How are the pancakes?" I asked

"Really good" my sister, Lucy said as she took another bite

Lucy was about three years younger than me, which only made her in the seventh grade. We looked so much alike. You would have to be blind to not say we were sisters. We have the same brown hair and eyes, same features, the only difference is that her hair is just passed her shoulders and mine is almost to my elbows.

"So what are you girls going to do today? Any plans?" our mother asked

"I need to go back to the library to get a book I placed on hold." I informed her

"Okay that's fine. I have to bring your father to the airport at around one o'clock. So I can drop you off on my way there." she reminded us.

"Oh, that's right! Dad has a trip to Chicago with his boss today." Lucy remembered

"Yeah, he will be gone for a few weeks." mother said

"Speaking of dad, where is he?" I asked

"Probably packing" mother said "Manuella, I'm going to be telling you when we are leaving so be ready and same for Lucy because she is coming with us to say good-bye to your father."

"Alright." I said


The line at the library was really long today. Nine people were in front of me. I have never seen it this long, usually a person or two but other than that there was never a line. By the time I got my book, the crowd started to die down. So I figured it was safe to read while walking. My parents always say not to because I have to watch where I was going but it couldn't hurt just this once.

As I was walking I was so interested into the book that I had totally forgotten that I was walking in the first place. Suddenly unexpectedly, Something hit my shoulder making me fall back, only leaving the words 'I'm so sorry' just barely making it into my head before everything became a blur.
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Just to let you know this might be my last day to try and update until either late Friday night or Saturday because I am going on an end of the year trip with my closest friends. I'm going to try to update during the trip but I can't promise anything. At most I'll probably only get an update or maybe two if I'm lucky in. I will see if I can update again tonight because I still have to pack and everything...hopefully I can get to it.