
Chapter 7

As the weeks passed by, I was got to know Saige and understand how she is. We spent a lot of time together. It felt really nice to make a new friend. She invited me over to her house and I told her I would come over anytime on Saturday, which was 3 days away from now. I'm happy to come because She always tells me about her aunt and her aunt sounds like a nice person to be around.

One day when I was going to see a movie with a bunch of friends, I saw that guy from the library outside the theater. I wasn't sure whether to approach him or pretend like he wasn't here. One of my friends from the group noticed I was just standing there. She asked me If I was alright and I said I was fine.Then we went into the theater together. When I saw him he was sitting down on a bench talking to a few people that went to my school. H e didn't see me though. When I came out of the theater when the movie was over he was gone.

After that night I kept seeing him a lot. I don't know why but I just did. He saw me almost everytime now. The first time we made eye contact, the next few times he smiled and waved looking happy to see me. I blushed everytime, only having someone notice once. I wanted to go and talk to him but he was with his friends all the time.

Until he was finally alone for once, this time I think he was waiting for someone because he would look up at the entrance every ten seconds. I was so happy and excited that I would finally get my chance to talk to him again. I walked over to him trying to think about what I would say to him.

"Hi" I said smiling

"Hi, how have you been feeling? i mean your head."

"Fine you said so yourself it would be okay."

"Yeah that's true." he said in agreement "Why do I keep seeing you everywhere?"

"I don't know maybe for the same reason why I see you everywhere." I caught a glance at his eyes again being sucked into a daze like a vacuum cleaner just like the first time I met him when I hit my head really hard on a shelf.

"It's probably just a coincidence." he said

"Or maybe it's fate." I said in a low voice


"Never mind, it was nothing."

"What did you say? Tell me." It sounded more like a question than a statement. He was smiling at me like I was the only girl in the entire world. I think it even made my heart stop for a few seconds. Well that's what it felt like.

"I just said it could be fate." I was scared to hear what he would say to that. He's probably going to walk away from me now. But instead he surprised me.

"Yeah it could." he said smiling at me and this time my heart must have been beating so hard out of my chest and it was louder than a little girls scream. I couldn't stop repeating his answer to me in my head over and over again.

When my heart finally managed to calm down I remembered about his name. "I'm sorry but I never got your name."

"Oh sorry I never told you"

"You never know you could have but I wasn't paying attention." Even though that possibility was impossible.

"No I remember thinking to myself that I forgot to give you my name once you left that day you hurt your head. I mean when I hurt your head."

"That was an accident."

"I know but I still hurt you. Anyway sorry I'm Anthony."

"It's great to meet you."
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey thanks for reading. It is seven in the morning here, I have been awake since 5:30 this morning, not because I wanted to wake up to update but because I have so much one my mind right now that I only got a few hours asleep and yesterday was a long day. Anyway, I hope you are doing okay and thank you again, you (the readers) are what keeps me writing this story.