
Chapter 8

I started to learn a lot about Anthony. The more we talked the closer I got to him. He was sixteen (a year older than me) and went to the other high school in town that was ten miles away from my school. He loved reading but hated writing, as weird as that might sound because the two usually go together. He spent his weekends out with his friends because his parents fought a lot and he never wants to be around for it, his favorite sport was basketball but he would never dare to go out for the team at his school because the team was filled with jerks, his favorite subject in school was science and his dream is to walk on the moon someday.

He told me a lot more. More than you would probably imagine. But those are the most recent things that he told me about himself. As he told me about him I told him about me and we keep going until we know everything about each other.

Whenever we talk the time flies by and before we know it we have been talking for hours. He is really random and funny. Like sometimes when it gets quiet between us he will tell me or ask me something that we never even talked about before. One time we were comparing what school between his or mine had the worst teachers and when it suddenly got quiet after a few seconds he was staring at me and then said that I looked like a flute type of person. So my response to him was what are you talking about and then he said that I looked like the type of person that would play the flute. I still don't understand what made him say that though.

We mostly hang out at the library because usually we just want to talk. Sometimes we will be in the middle of a conversation and then the library will announce that they are closing in ten minutes. Then at the same time without thinking we both will say WHAT?! because we don't want to leave then we will look at each other and laugh about it. Everytime we meet and talk until the library closes we always set our meeting time an hour earlier because it doesn't feel like enough time to hang out.


Today is Saturday and that means I'm going to Saiges' house today. Even though I wouldn't be able to hang out with Anthony this week I was still excited. We would meet at the library every week on Saturday so when I told him I wouldn't see him this week he looked really sad. He understood and told me to have fun even if he would miss me. Saige gave me the directions yesterday at school and I told her I would be over at around 1:00 or 1:30 because my mother made me late to everything. I told my mother 1:00 which meant arriving twenty-thirty minutes late.

When my mother dropped me off I walked up the driveway and rang the door bell. As I waited for someone to answer the door I looked at my watch, 1:22, why am I not surprised?
Saige answered the door with a big smile on her face. She gave me a hug and let me inside.

"You made it!" She said

"Yeah why wouldn't I?" I asked

"I don't know, you could have forgotten."

"I would never do that. Besides who would forget about coming to a friends house after you just gave me directions yesterday?"

She shrugged "I guess you're right."

I followed her in the kitchen while she told me about this weird thing that happened to her this morning.

"So where's your aunt?" I asked after she was done with her story.

"Upstairs. She's on the phone with an old friend that called to 'catch up with her'."

"Yeah my mom does that from time to time too."

"I'm starting to think that all women do that now"

"They probably do." I said

It got quiet, so quiet that you could hear her aunt talking on the phone.

"Thank you." Saige said

"For what?" I asked

"I'm not sure if I already thanked you for this or not but thank you for...well..just being my friend."

"Saige, thank you for being my friend and for inviting me over."

"Your welcome but you must not understand how much of a good friend you are."

I shrugged. Maybe I didn't. "Thanks"

"No problem, I thought that you deserved to hear that since it is so true."

I don't see why I'm such a good friend. I mean aren't friends friends? I know that some people aren't good one when they ignore you or use you but how am I a good friend?

"You look like you don't believe me." Saige said

"No I do." I wasn't sure if I lied about that or not. Hopefully I didn't because if I was a good friend I wouldn't lie to her.

Suddenly a woman that looked a lot like Saige entered the room.

"Hi you must be Manuella. Saige has told me so much about you. It's great to meet you!" Saiges' aunt said

"Thank you It's nice to meet you too.."

"Oh you can call me Heidi."

"Okay Heidi."

"If you need anything just ask." Heidi said to me as she was walking out of the room

"You look so much like your aunt!" I said to Saige when Heidi was out of the room.

"Well, I look a lot like my mom and my mom and aunt are twins."

"That's cool."

She smiled sadly. "Yeah"