
Chapter 9

It had been a while since Annabelle and I had spent some time together. We made plans to do something this weekend, we wanted to something fun but simple, so Annabelle chose the mall. I told her about how I was already doing something Saturday so she asked about Sunday, the next day.

Since it's Sunday, it wasn't as crowded. Annabelle wanted to get more shorts and tank tops because summer vacation is just a few weeks away. We tried all of our favorite stores and knowing Annabelle she had to get something from everyone of them. She is definitely what you would call a shopaholic but with me, not so much. I would only get a few things where as Annabelle would have ten bags by the time we left the mall.

After two hours of walking around the mall and shopping, we were both totally shopped out. It really is possible to shop til you drop. We stopped to get some coffee and sat down to rest.

"What time is it?" Annabelle asked me

I checked my watch. "2:45"

"We have to go soon. I promised my mom if she would let me hang out with you today I had to be home by 3:30 because she knows we like to spend the whole day together."

I smiled. "Who doesn't know that?"

She took a minute to think about it. "You are so right!"

She both took a sip of our coffee. When I was about to look back at her I saw Anthony hanging around a group of friends. He didn't notice me at first but then something made him look my way and he smiled at me. We kept staring back at each other smiling.

"Who's that?" Annabelle asked noticing Anthony

"No one, just a friend."

"He's kinda cute."

He was now looking back at his friends, talking and laughing about something as they walked by. I don't think he noticed Annabelle because her back was facing him.

"Yeah he is."

"What's he like?"

"What do you mean?"

"You said you were friends."

"Oh yeah, we are." I said "He's, um, not like other guys."

"In what way?"

"He's very caring, not jerky at all."

"So, he's all heart."

"Yeah, i guess you can put it that way."

"Sometimes it's hard to find a guy like that." Annabelle said

At that moment my phone rang. I took it out of my pocket to check to see who it was. I got nervous when I saw it was my mom because she never calls me when I'm out with my friends unless it's an emergency. I answered it expecting something serious but instead she needed me to get something for her since I was already at the mall.

"Everything okay?" Annabelle asked

"Yeah, my mom just needs me to get something for her. Do you want to come with me or go to that last store you wanted to check out?"

"I can go with you and then check it out afterwards."

"Okay but just to warn you if all the cutest stuff is gone by the time we get there it's not my fault."

Annabelle's eyes got really wide when I said this.

"Oh my gosh! You are so right. I have to go now." She got up from her seat "Meet you back here in 30 minutes?"

I rolled my eyes at her. "Sure." I started to walk the opposite way, not even glancing back to make sure she was going the right way.