You Are My Life Now

Are You Okay?

Kevin's P.O.V

As me and my new friend Joe walked into the gym hall, I looked around before Joe led me to the changing area then we went inside and I put my bag down standing beside Joe who had kept the spot for me.

"Hey Joe we're doing Basketball today and who the hell are you?" A guy said running up to Joe and they high fived before he looked at me.

"This is Kevin Gates, he's new here so I'm showing him only cause I got forced to" Joe said goarning whilst the guy he was talking to laughed before shoving me into the lockers on his way out.

"Why did you lie to him?" I said pulling my shirt over my head before pulling my other shirt on and noticing that Joe was staring at me.

"I don't really know apart from the fact that Mike Jacobs that guy is my friend and I didn't want him thinking that we were close friends too."

I nodded before changing out of my jeans and into my shorts not even bothering to notice that Joe was once again staring at me.

As me and Joe walked out as he had finished getting changed before I had so he waited for me, I saw the basketball hoops being put out then Mike ran up to Joe grabbing him by the head and giving him a slight noogie.

"Hey Jonas, why you hanging about with the new gay guy" Mike said and I glared at him, even though he was right about me, it didn't give him the right to just blurt it out like that.

"I told you Mike, Mr Hill made me do it" Joe said "So I'll need to play basketball with him aswell" Joe continued once again giving a fake goarn before hurrying over to me.

"Sorry about him" he said "he doesn't like me talking to new people so is it true, are you gay" Joe said whispering the last part but I just ignored him not wanting him to find out and possibily beat me up.

Soon the class began and the teacher, Mr Wallace gave each pair a basketball then told us to pracitce shooting.

I was up first so I aimed for the basket before shooting and heard the swish off the basketball going right through the net.

Joe was next and he got the basket in the net too before it was turn again but before I could aim, I heard someone yell duck then I saw Joe pull me to the ground so I ended with my back on the floor and Joe ontop of me.

"Are you okay" Joe asked and I nodded just wanting him to get off of me as it was really uncorfmatble.

"Alright then" Joe said before getting up and pulling me up along with him.

"Joe what the hell was that all about, I almost had that little gay queer" Mike said walking over to Joe and me but before I could anything, Joe pushed Mike away from him.

"Don't you dare call Kevin that again for Kevin is a much better person than you will ever be."

"Alright Jonas we'll settle this today after school and you can bring you're little new toy boy with you to watch you lose."
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh Joe's getting into a fight. Who will win.