Status: five of twelve - complete.

Picture Perfect.

one of one.

Jack glowers across the corridor at Alex and Lisa. They're inexplicably flawless, and Jack hates it. It's like they've got their whole life planned out, and they have done since the age of thirteen -when they got together- and that hasn't changed remotely. And they're almost pushing eighteen. Jack hates it, and he wishes he could say he hates them. But he can't.

But then, he's the bitter, wheelchair bound car-crash victim who desperately longs for Alex to notice him.

Jack just wants to get out, really; to get away from this tiny town full of boys he's doomed to fall for and never be with.

As if the inability to walk wasn't enough.

The only thing Jack remembers of the accident that robbed him of his legs is the fire and the smoke; the burning heat and the choking clouds. That, and the searing pain in his back that he'd later find out was a spinal cord injury of disastrous proportions.


Prom's coming up.

Jack isn't going.

No one's going to ask the weird wheelchair kid to prom, are they? And it's not like he has the confidence to ask anyone for himself.

Zack tells Jack repeatedly that somewhere, there's someone who'll love him for exactly who he is. Jack always tells him to shut up. He's heard all that crap before.

So when Alex appears beside him at the lunch table, talking about prom, Jack is more than surprised.

"Jack?" Alex asks. The younger barely responds with a nod.

"Do you have a date for prom?"

Jack looks up from his feeble excuse for lunch and sighs.

"Of course I don't, Alex." Jack replies, looking back at the food and pushing it around.

"Well, I was wondering if you wanted to go with me?"

Jack's head snaps up.

"You have Lisa." Jack says, and he looks more hurt than anything else.

Alex rubs the back of his neck nervously.

"We broke up, actually. She was too clingy." He says guiltily.

Jack's eyes look sadder than before, and he pulls his tray onto his lap and wheels away without a word.

Alex looks after Jack and then over at Zack.

"Why does he look so sad?" He asks, and Zack shoots him a glare.

"Alex, think about it." Zack sighs, rubbing his temples, "You just asked a boy who can't even walk to go to prom with you -prom being a formal dance."

Alex's face drops.

"Fuck! I'm such an idiot!"

"Do you want me to tell you something about Jack?" Zack says quietly. Alex nods slowly.

"He thinks he's forever destined to be alone and to fall into place beside all the other forgotten, lonely paraplegics before him."

All of a sudden, Alex hurts. Zack picks up on his expression and continues.

"The sad thing is, he genuinely believes it."


Jack's about two seconds away from breaking down that night when he gets a text.

'Just because you can't walk doesn't mean you can't go to prom. If anything, you should go just to show them you're not afraid of what they think.'

It's Alex. Jack knows it is.

'I'm not afraid. It'd be stupid me going to prom anyway. It's not like I could dance.'

'That doesn't matter -I could carry you?'

'It's not happening, Alex. Just get that idea into your thick skull.'

Alex shows up at Jack's house on prom night anyway.

Jack opens the door and glares up at him.

"I said I wasn't going." He says bluntly. Alex plays with his hair shiftily.

"Figured it was worth a try."

Jack goes to close the door, but Alex wedges his foot between the frame and the door to stop him.

"You sure you don't want to?"

"Alex, I can't even walk, let alone dance. It'd be stupid."


Jack is pretty sure he's dreaming right about now. Alex Gaskarth is walking next to him on their way into the dance hall. His heart's about ready to blow.

“I can’t believe you talked me into this.”

But then Alex turns all bitter and mad when he sees Lisa with some random guy she always said she never liked.

And then Jack realizes that the only reason he's here is because Alex wants to spy on Lisa but he doesn't want to look like he's alone.

He turns and wheels away quietly; fighting back tears he's desperate to hide. It's not like Alex would care anyway.

Jack doesn't show at school for the next three days. Alex starts to worry a little -but he's back with Lisa now, so what does it matter?

Jack's sort of lost track of how many days he's spent alone in his room, crying, and waiting for Alex to call. All the days are blending into one.

But when Zack screams at Alex in the hallway one day after he comes back to class, Jack can't help but overhear.

"It's your fault! It's all your fault! It's your fault Jack's miserable!"

Jack freezes and wheels away, trying his damnedest not to be noticed.


"Hey! Wheels!"

It's a new week and Jack still doesn't want to be here.

Jack turns and glares up at Alex.

"What do you want, Legs?" He asks flatly.

"I figured something out." Alex replies with pride.

"What? That you're an asshole?" Jack snaps harshly.

"No!" Alex retorts quickly, "Just that I actually, kind of, really like you."

Jack scoffs.

"Yeah, and I can climb stairs. Whatever, Alex."

"No, Jack, listen to me. I'm being serious." Alex pleads.

Jack fixes him with a look that says 'You'd better be.' before letting him continue.

“I really do like you, Jack. I swear. And I’m sorry that it’s taken me this long to figure it out. I mean, I should’ve got it weeks ago. I guess I realized when Lisa and I broke up that maybe we weren’t meant to be together. So I broke up with her -again. Because I’m pretty sure I want to be with you. I guess I never planned on falling for another guy, but it just, kind of… happened.”

“Is that what you say to everyone you try and get with?” Jack sighs, “Alex, you don’t just suddenly decide that you want someone. Especially after you’ve known them for God knows how long. You had enough time to work this out, and if you waited this long, then it’s your own goddamn fault.”

“But, Jack-”

“No, Alex, don’t. Wake up from whatever sick, deluded dream you’re having because this isn’t happening.”

Alex sighs as Jack wheels away and out of his sight.

“Nice work.” Zack remarks sarcastically from his position near the lockers.

Alex glares at him for a second before heading down the corridor.

It’s like one of those classic scenes in a cheesy movie as Alex runs through the school after Jack.

When he finally finds him in the AV room, Jack looks up at him and sighs.

“I thought I told you to-” Jack starts, but is cut off by Alex pressing their lips together.

“Jack, I’m really sorry.” Alex says, “I really am.”

“It’s okay, you big idiot.” Jack says with a slight smile. Alex smiles weakly and kisses Jack gently.

“Wanna be my boyfriend?” Alex asks between kisses. Jack nods.

“They always said I’d never get anyone.” Jack says quietly. Alex picks up on his sadness and kisses him again.

“Well, you got me. Aren’t you lucky?” Alex says, slightly sarcastically, and Jack giggles. Alex thinks it’s adorable.

“I… Yeah, I guess I am.”

Alex helps Jack wheel out and he doesn’t care what people think of him.

Screw being ‘picture perfect.’
♠ ♠ ♠
it sucks. seriously. ;____;