Hate is the New Love

I've lost my ground

Autumn’s P.O.V

My eyes felt heavy and my head hurt so badly. I slowly opened my eyes to see an off white room. I looked at my hands to see tubes sticking out of them. I looked over and saw my mom sitting beside me and my heart fluttered. She actually cared enough to come. I didn’t want to disturb her since she was sleeping but curiosity got the better of me and I decided to wake her.

“Mom?” I called. My voice was hoarse.

She stirred slightly and sat up. Her sad face brightened up like the sun.

“Thank god, thank god, THANK GOD!” my mom went hysterical. I was surprised. I didn’t know she cared.

“Mom, calm down. I’m fine!” I said.

“I’m so sorry baby! I didn’t mean to hurt you. I’m such a terrible mom. I haven’t treated you right ever since…since your…dad passed away.” She said looking at the floor. She looked like she was in a trance. I waited for her to continue.

“But all that is going to change! I’m going to rehab, honey!”

I froze. She was going to rehab? I was overjoyed. We were finally going to get a chance to be a real family! No more fights, no more pain, no more alcohol.

“Oh my gosh mom, that’s incredible!” I said and wrapped my arms around her. Tears fell down my face. It had been such a long time since I had been this close to her.

“I know and your friend Justin is paying for it!”

My eyes widened while my mom blabbed on about how kind Justin was and that if I ever wanted to marry him, she’d have no problems. I was barely paying attention. Justin Bieber was paying for my mom? After the billionth time I told that brat that I didn’t want his money, he goes and does it again. I was about the tell her not to accept it but she spoke up.

“Its all set. I’m going tomorrow!” she said with a smile that I did not return.

“What about me? Where do I go?”

“Well, I had a talk with Justin and his mom and they want you to stay with them.”

“What?” I screamed and choked on some air.

“You will be staying at the Bieber’s house while I go to rehab.”