Hate is the New Love

My mind is set on you

I got scared. I didn’t want to move in with Justin. I didn’t trust him. Even after all he has done for me. I just couldn’t. My trance was broken by a knock on the door. My mom got up and went to answer. There stood Justin.

“I’ll leave you guys alone. Thank you once again Justin.” My mom said. Justin gave her a reassuring nod as she left. He stood there awkwardly for what seemed like hours until I finally spoke.

“I am not staying with you Justin.” I said firmly.

“Ah, so your mom told you?” he asked and took a seat beside me.

“Yes. You know that I don’t hate you…that much but I still can’t stay with you.”

“Well, I guess I could pay for your hotel sat.” he said emphasizing the word pay and then he fake sighed. I narrowed my eyes. He knew me too well.

“No, no hotels. Why can’t I stay with Ivy, Katrina or Heather?”

“Well, I’ve talked to them and they want you to stay with me.” he said with a smile. He looked to mischievous.

“Justin, i-“

“Please Autumn, Give me a chance.” He said cutting me off. All humor was suddenly gone. His eyes were pleading. I wanted to trust him. He had been nothing but nice to me. He was always there for me. What is stopping me from trusting me? I buried my head into my arms and squeezed my eyes shut.

“Autumn?” he asked and placed a hand on my shoulder.

“Fine.” I said at last. I looked up at him. His face brightened and he smiled. I have to stop being scared of trust. I have to learn to trust him. He is not going to hurt me. At least I hope he won’t.

“Thank you.” He said and leaned in as if he was going to kiss me and I backed up a bit. He realized what he was doing and pulled away.

“Sorry,” he mumbled and scratched the back of his neck.

“I don’t know what came over me.” His cheeks were bright red.

“Thank you for bringing me here.” I said, trying to avoid awkwardness.

“Uh, oh yea! You are welcome.” He said and smiled. He looked grateful for the change in topic.

“I think you saved my life.” I said.

“Uh huh.” He replied. He looked as though he was lost in time.

“Justin?” I called and tried to sit up. He snapped out of his trance and pushed my shoulders back down.

“Don’t get up. You need rest.” he said.

“What were you thinking about?”

“Well, I had these tickets to see ‘all time low’ backstage and stuff and I was wondering if I should take you, Ivy, heather and Katrina. I don’t want you to get too much excitement now. I want you to get better but if you feel up to it, we could go.”

I smiled. If there was one person heather liked more than Justin Bieber, it was jack Barakat.

“I’d actually like to go and I know heather would kill to be able to see Jack Barakat.”

“Want to be my date?”

“Do I have a choice?”

“Nope!” he said with a smile.

“Then I say no.”

“Please?” He asked and pouted.

“Nope!” I said and popped the p.

“I’m not leaving until you say yes.”

“Stay, I couldn’t care less.”

“Fine, how about if I hand cuff myself to you?” he asked and held up a pair of handcuffs. Where a kid gets handcuff, I don’t know but then again, he is Justin Bieber. He can do anything. My eyes widened. Shit, he had this planned.

“You wouldn’t” I said.

“Oh yes I would.” He said with a smirk and walked closer to me. Then I had the most brilliant idea. I grabbed my tummy and pretended to be in pain.

“Ow, oh my gosh. That fucking hurts!” I screamed. He dropped the handcuffs and ran to my side.

“Oh my god Autumn. You’ll be okay. I’ll get the doctor.”

He ran out and came right back in with the doctor. The doctor checked me over while a very nervous Justin watched from the foot of the bed and kept murmuring ‘is she okay?’

“Okay well, you are fine,” the doctor said to me and turned to Justin “You on the other hand, have to leave and let her rest.”

Justin backed out slowly. Confusion and fear was present in his eyes. I smirked and winked at him. Realization washed over him and he glared at me as he left the room.
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Thanks for reading it! Please check out my new story if you want to! Here is a link.

I Am Still Here