Hate is the New Love

Meet my mom

I was discharged form the hospital a few days later and Justin took me to my hous to get my stuff.

“Ugh, this place is a mess!” I screamed and started to clean up.

“No autumn. Don’t stress yourself.” He said grabbed my shoulder.

“I’m not!” I said and got the broom. Then, for added fun, I grabbed my head and crided out in pain. Justin ran over and grabbed my shoulder.

“Autumn, are you okay? I told you not to stress! I’ll call 911!” he said and fumbled with his phone. I pulled it out and put it back into his pocket.

“You don’t need to. I’m perfectly fine.” I said with a laugh.

“You need to stop doing that.” He said in an annoyed tone. After he realized that I had tricked him.

“I’d rather not.” It’s too much fun!” I said brushing up glass.

“Oh you never know. I might not believe you one day!” he said with a dry laugh.

“You’d believe me if I told you the sky was falling!”

“No, I- true, true, I would!” he said and I laughed. After my house was relatively clean, by clean I mean no glass on the floor; I decided it was time to pack my stuff.

“That’s all the clothes you have?” he asked, staring at my backpack.

“Um yea. I told you I was poor.” I pointed out uncomfortably.

“But that is barely anything! I’ve need hobos with more clothes!” he cried.

“Thanks!” I said and gave him a look. He realized what he said and slapped his hand over his mouth.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that! I just mean that, all your clothes fit into one backpack!”

“Hey, it’s a big backpack and I filled it completely.” I defended.

“I’m definitely going to have to buy you some clothes. What are your sizes?”

“Don’t even think about it and I’m not telling you my sizes, you pervert!”

He realized what he had said and he blushed “Sorry.”

“Uh huh,” I said in a non-believing tone “Lets just go.”

He nodded and we got into his car and we drove off. The car ride was fun, we had the radio
turned up high and we were singing. It was fun. When we finally pull up to his house, he got out of the car and held the door opened for me.

“We’re here!” he said with a smile.

I looked out the window and gasped. I have never let anything intimidate me before but that house was a flippin’ airport.

“Well c’mon!” he said and held out his hand. I shook my head.

“No, I can’t!”

“Autumn, I thought we had agreed to this!” he said with a sigh.

“We did. That is until I saw the size of your house! I mean it is huge! Do you see the size of the thing?”

“Don’t be intimidated!” he said and extended his hand for me to take again. Cautiously, I took his hand and closed the car door behind me. We carefully walked to the front door and he opened it. I stood there speechless. The house was beyond beautiful. There were 2 grad staircases that wound up to the landing that lead deeper into the house. There were high ceilings and black and white marble floors. I looked up to the most beautiful chandelier I have ever seen.

“What do you think?” he asked.

“It’s beautiful!” I said. I gasped as my voice echoed back to me.

“Echo!” I called and giggled with the echoes erupted again. Justin laughed and shook his head.

“You’re too cute.” He said.

“Um thanks!” I said and smiled awkwardly.

“Anyways, let’s go meet my mom!” he said, not noticing the awkwardness. I swallowed and adjusted my. I was beyond nervous as I followed Justin to the living room.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for never updating lol :D I hope this makes up for it.

Anyways, please check out my new story if you haven't done so yet :D
